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Deep Dives 18 | The Wikileaks Archive
Deep Dives 18 Official Contributors
Deep Dives 18 Unofficial Contributors
@v4vapid (x2)
Agent Provocateurs
Cellebrite Can "Hack Any Device" with UFED Extraction Technology
Once again, we'd like to give a big thank you to all the participants in the Deep Dives research challenge. We value your original submissions, the light you shed on under-reported stories and your dedication to digging into areas that some find controversial or off limits. Much respect.
First Prize (30 HIVE)
by @palikari123
Fired by the US Government for whistle blowing, Michael Springmann recounts the role high-ranking US officials played in creating Al-Qaeda.
This dive covers the experience of J. Michael Springmann. Springmann had a long career diplomatic career with the State Department's Foreign Service working in India, Japan and Saudi Arabia. After being dismissed from duty for whistle blowing, Springmann published Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World detailing how high ranking US officials were responsible for creating Al-Qaeda and allowing the 9/11 high-jackers into the United States.
They received visas to travel to the United States, usually from Saudi Arabia, for training, debriefing, and other purposes. In enabling their passage, American government officials violated the Immigration and Nationality Act as well as the State Department’s regulations, codified in its Foreign Affairs Manual.
I know. I was there. I issued the visas, and I objected to gross violations of law and regulation. As a result, as happens to nearly all whistle-blowers, I was fired.
Springmann's account adds to the layers upon layers of official cover-ups surrounding the events leading up to the events that occurred on 9/11. Springmann's story is not something you're going to read about in mainstream news and part of a long list of suspicious activities by US officials that are inexplicable but are expunged from the official record.
Visa's for Al Qaeda history to Deep Dives!
An immense thanks to @palikari123 for bringing the
Second Prize (20 HIVE)
Trump's Anti-Censorship Order Will Promote More Censorship
by @krnel
The fight against censorship is a big part of the Deep Dives community effort and this contribution by @krnel explores recent developments within the Trump administration to control information. It focuses on Trump's executive order to reevaluate section 230 of the FTC with regard to Big Tech platforms that include: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
In essence, what Trump is doing is going to ensure that more censorship happens. It's a Hegelian dialectic. Thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Two seemingly opposing sides that will "battle" to form a new model that produces the outcomes both want: control of the information.
The current goal of censorship on the various social media platforms is for the control of information. This controls and limits the perceptibility of information, which control what people can see and come to think about. It's mind control.
Referencing a 2009 Wikileaks release on government censorship, this piece highlights how authoritarians view China's system of information control as a template to be replicated worldwide. In the West, censorship is most often initially introduced by governments to combat crime but over time expands to silence dissenting viewpoints.
These measures are originally adopted through justifications of stopping criminal activity, like child pornography. But those are stepping stones to greater online censorship. It eventually leads to political content.
That's basically what has happened to social media. First it was violence or criminal activity that was banned, and now it's inconvenient political views.
Thank you @krnel for your continuing efforts to combat censorship @krnel, and for this contribution to the deep dives community!
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Congratulations to all the contributors to DD18!
Personally, I really enjoyed researching throughout this round and stumbled across more material I'm excited to share with the community in upcoming challenges!
I know we've been unable to get in touch recently but I want to thank you for all the hard work you've put into this community, you're a big part of it, and I deeply appreciate all your help over the last few years. Thank you brother! I want to say a personal thank you to @palikari123!
Thank you. That means a lot to me! I will endeavour to get in touch with you on discord, at a convenient time for both of us.
Congratulations... I was pulling for you! That was an exceptional piece of scholarship.
I'm looking to get back into researching again. I'm hoping to contribute whenever you need it.
Congrats guys...entries like these take a lot of effort to complete and you deserve proper recognition :>)
I like investigation journalism very much. And I bwlieve if the users maintain originality of the content, it will be a precious community. I hope, I will be a part of this proud by my efforts.
Welcome to the community!
We're always keeping an eye out for original content creators.
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