SOLUTIONS: Global Citizen Repair Cafés - Citizen Empowerment and Self-Sufficiency

in Deep Dives4 months ago (edited)

It’s not enough to rage, complain and resist the incursions and impositions of our enemy. We must develop citizen-based solutions and establish our own institutions and services to create independent, sustainable and collaborative resources. I will feature these as often as I discover them to showcase excellent global brothers and sisters doing excellent things and taking action to resolve problems. When we unite towards common purpose we empower ourselves and create thriving, life affirmative institutions for ourselves. This weakens the system of predation we are currently held captive in. It creates something new of our own, an alternative, so people eventually abandon the criminal broken system designed to create broken people.

This video introduces you to community-based Repair Cafés that originated in Amsterdam Netherlands back in 2009. On 2 March 2010, The Repair Café Foundation was formed to support groups around the world in setting up their own Repair Cafés locally. Since then, the number of Repair Cafés has grown quickly and now numbers in the thousands.The concept is simple, Repair Café are collaborative community spaces where items such as clothes, broken appliances and household items are repaired for FREE. It is a vital trade-space where common spaces, technical knowledge and skills are exchanged to recondition and fix items. Eager to share their knowledge and skills, these workshop techs take pride and reward in helping others and their communities. The repair cafe workshops are well-stocked with individuals happy to help others to repair their broken items and teach what they know about repairing them.

This is the way out of a broken, vampiric system folks and with global economies plundered to Depression; Repair Cafés are a godsend of ingenuity in practice. The innate goodness in humanity is to help others and to rejoice in the reward of that mutual success. We of humanity are hard wired to build, create and establish great things for the benefit of tribe, community and neighbourhood. These simple exchanges build love, foster brother/sisterhood and elevate the citizenry as a whole. People engaged in fruitful, rewarding work of substance toward a common effort and goal feel a part of something. Contribution, love and security of fellowship comes into their life like the rays of the sun. It changes and heals people deeply and I’ve personally witnessed and experienced this in my life endeavours in assistance to others. Crime, conflict and strife go down as broken people working together heal themselves and others in the transcendent experience.



Repair Café multi-lingual informational website with a map of global geographical locations.

How to Set Up a Repair Café

"Get your broken stuff fixed for free! Inside the repair cafés where volunteers promise to mend everything from ripped clothes to broken lamps, bikes and stereos"

Repair Café US - Facebook site

Wikipedia Reference for basic info


We have a repair cafe in our local town. My only problem with them is they peddle the global warming narrative. I suppose you can't have everything!:)

Yeah, I've learned that when you work with people you have to take them where they are. At least they have banded together to do this. The vulnerability of humanity is that they have been largely indoctrinated and groomed to gravitate into cults. Like dogs seeking alphas and like livestock seeking shepherds they outsource their power, cognition and adopt self-destructive mindsets propagated by their enemies. Independent research and thought will keep people out of all cults be they political, religious, celebrity worship, etc. Just align to objective reality and you can never go wrong.

Brilliant that you have a Repair Café established at least and we can start there. A lot of times people suffer from what I call, AIDS (Acquired Information Deficiency Syndrome) and if they open their minds, you can remedy this with well sourced links or videos that expose the "Climate Change" war campaign against us all. You can also shine by influencing others by being your best and unique self and expressing your thoughts that people gravitate to.

Objective reality? Sure isn't that heresy! Everyone is entitled to their own truth these days.

As to shining, I'm one of the shiniest people I know!:)

I've never heard of this and it's right up my alley. I'm having to scramble to manage an expensive repair right now, and sure wish something like repair cafes existed around here.
