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RE: The dawn of a new age: AI text prompts and what it means for us

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Hey Sam,

Dont want to sound negative but i think this type of software or whatever it is, it will kill human creativity.....
there will be no next Michael Angelo or other guys like that or even H.R Giger will be thing from the past,
This is clearly begging of the end...

BTW thee is another AI software that can create poems and write story for you about anything you like.....

Can you see now where it is going....

Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech!


The poems are shite!!! It takes an intelligent human to correct, reject and add to AI produced writing. I can't see it truly getting better in that regard.

This makes sense. AI can only go so far to trigger the deeper human emotions.

I first saw this... years ago...

Hello there! Yes, I highlighted this exact problem in my final thoughts.

Give it a few decades and the average person won't remember any more how to draw a picture. All by design unfortunately. We are being dumbed down and prepared for a life in which we never leave our homes. Obviously I don't agree with any of it but I also don't believe it can be stopped so I prefer to be one of those people who still knows how to do the creative stuff but also takes advantage of the AI. You can be sure however that no matter how advanced this tool gets my children will still wake up every morning and sit down in front of a piece of paper with a pencil in their hands!

There is also an AI which can write music. Yes indeed, we are being written out of the equation. But perhaps, as @mypathtofire mentioned, the value of original human work will go up as a consequence? Let's see...

Can you see now where it is going....

I can. But I chose that Abraham quote for a reason. When we reach for the thoughts which feel better, all the good stuff just keeps on flowing to us. No matter what is happening in the world.

All the best to you brother!

Im glad we are on the same path, i agree with you, however i still believe we could save same humanity in some way......

Stay strong!
In Lak'ech!