Depths of Deception Revealed

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Here we are in a world sinking into darkness. The truth is symbolized by the light, while untruth, falsity or lies is symbolized by darkness - the absence of light.

A prime example of this descent is in the various deceptions bein orchestrated to propagate falsity and bring us more into an unreal world that people think is real.

Here is one such example where CNN host Jake Tapper says:

we took off our masks just for the photo


They just revealed the deception, albeit inadvertidly.

Someone accurately pointed out the deception by saying:

If you really believed in masks, you wouldn't be taking them off for anything like this. Please stop the acting.

It's a charade, al theatre, all a show, all a big joke. And you and I are the butt of the joke. The joke is on us as we march into darkness.


CNN, CBC and BBC are the lowest quality media I could name at this current moment.

I wouldn't consider anything they say to be an objective truth, misleading at minimum and not relevant to the viewers who want to be informed.