Yes! Homeoprophylaxis is also having great success, as is the individual use of homeopathic remedies particular to the unique symptom pattern and stage of illness. HP is homeopathic use of the actual virus to create a remedy which informs our immune system in an integrated and holistic manner - Free And Healthy Children International are doing a big proving around this right now, and I'll be taking my remedy this very morning!
Homeopathy has been used immensely successfully over the centuries to treat pandemics, but is suffering from institutional/ pharmaceutical/ mainstream oppression worldwide - and in many places is having to literally go 'underground' - being forced to create structures and organisations with elements of boundary and secrecy, to allow the work to go on.
Many govts around the planet, influenced heavily by big pharma funding and mainstream cynicism (closed-minded prejudice), are working methodically to remove homeopaths' rights to practise - with lurid claims based on false science and completely incompetent studies.
Also, plasma therapy alongside high vitamin C and D has been working wonders - but a doctor here in Naples, Italy was severely reprimanded for healing covid cases with this...
Madness: but perhaps a necessary coming-to-the-surface of our collective psychosis - the fear-tension-pain self-fulfilling prophecy, that is so occupied with it's own fear that it can't see it's creating the very situation that it's terrified of... We live in a time where that consciousness is crumbling and dying off - or even killing itself - so it feels important to ride it out by delving deep into the bigger picture and into the flow of what's happening...
In some way, I feel that even mainstream/ pharma rigidity & totalitarianism might be a necessary birthing surge - an essential counter tension to pull us into/ wake us up to new thinking and more holistic sentience - it's certainly getting me to step into my deeper truth, to inquire much more deeply, to do far deeper self-care and immerse myself in the deeper vision.... Incredible times!
The US calls homeopathy a fraud which is very sad. Homeopathy is very promising and has cured many people of many illnesses in India.
YES! It's fantastic to hear that India is using homeopathy to treat the current covid situation... and yeh - there's such a rigid mindset in conventional and pharma medicine, which simply blinkers out the profound elements of holistic healing that homeopathy brings to human being: so very sad, when instead mainstream prefers to see disease as something separate from us, meaningless, and uses aggressive tactics to keep people addicted to being suppressed in every way - instead of the vibrant colourful beings that we're born to be!
Exactly and that same behavior encourages only one dimensional thinking and one dimensional success. One might be very successful in corporate life but a total asshole in real life. This system encourages that. There needs to be more holistic approach to life in general like you rightfully said and other alternative treatments should be given a fair chance.
Beautiful comment, thank you for this, @potta <3
Thanks for having this conversation. This topic is very close to my heart! <3
They've been eliminating homeopathic medicine since the 1920s (Rockefeller and Carnegie through Flexner report). Chaos does teach as a catalyst to wake up.
Yes, and before! :-) And yes - chaos, and the oppression of solutions and freedoms - definitely we're in a time of mass waking <3 It's really good to be connected here.