I can't call 'right' or 'wrong'. I can rewind and tell you what my feelings were at the time.@logiczombie
It had the feeling of a betrayal of trust – that's basically it. I generally dig KK's take on life/spirituality/pLandemic etc and I felt he was being open and even trusting with you – answering who the big delegator was etc, and stating why he didn't want to spend energy in a negative d/v campaign as suggested. I know that you consider everything you post to be for anyone to use freely and it felt as if you had applied that to the conversation with KK in a way that pushed it too far ie that you had taken advantage.
I take your point that the delegator is public info readily available. That had not occurred to me in the state of consciousness where I was dismayed that you'd do something like that and thinking how I might feel if that had happened to me.
It did feel a bit like an attack on KK – I think it's likely he will have taken it as such. Perhaps there are elements of KK (and TF?) having aspects of HivePOWER go to their heads in the sense of that being a motivation to action that serves Ego rather than Other – I don't know and can't say. But I have heard both speak out in support of stuff that aligns with me and haven't observed the kind of violence of approach that would make me wanna distance myself. It feels as if you are being harsh on them. I do respect your sense of purpose and although I better understand now where you are coming from, it still seems as if the content of the update was rather divisive in intent and effect.
You are right that you didn't doxx anyone and that there was no personal info. My initial reaction did move in that direction I have to admit, and KK's response ('disgusting') suggests the same. I do accept that that is/was an overreaction based on emotions and not logic :).
Ya, it's not black'n'white. I seem to remember you posting an exchange with Azircon but that came from a public server. Is that different? I think so and not because of the personalities involved. I admit I'm struggling to pinpoint what exactly it is that still feels uncomfy about screenshotting the DM convo without consent (indeed, as opposed to paraphrasing)...perhaps that it was clearly to be considered private (tacitly understood by both parties) – would you agree that such an understanding would be the default? And if so, then it is here that the violation takes place. I'd say that at the least – and perhaps no more than that – you disrespected KK through your action and this was not provoked or (to my eyes anyhow, even now upon re-reflection) justified.
There you have it bro!