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RE: Sexist Me

in Deep Dives3 years ago

And my biggest criticism of the political right wing is that they refuse to make that effort.

Based on what, what do you base your stereotype on?

This post also explains why you confuse the noun 'life' in your pro abortion post, with the verb 'live', which gives you instantly away as clearly not a English speaker, and this is from someone who's second language is English, though I've been in America for almost 2/3 of my life and you couldn't detect an inkling of an accent and you'd think I have a perfect American accent from Ohio, which is THE state which has no regional accent, think every newscast.

Your serious racism against conservative, disregarding them as Racist, as Homophobic, and as Sexist, is only your prejudice, a prejudice no different from your "sexist" or better, the "progressive normal" you think is your cardinal north, but from where I'm standing, its nothing more than prejudice, unquestionable adherence and abhorrent lack of self reflection and complete inability to resolve critical contradictions in your ideology. You don't care for women, when woman is a costume any man can adorn. You don't care for the sanctity of life, if that life is at the mercy of a woman, that life is superseded by a persons whim. Your racist conservatives are demonstrably less racist than their counterparts who consistently disparage an entire group of people based on the color of their skin, and who cast any brown or black conservatives as self hating uncle Tom's. When BLM protests and numerous people are murdered in riots as antifa takes over entire city blocks, that's not Insurrection, yet when a mathematical fraud is clearly evident in the election count and people protest, not Riot, that's an insurrection, when the Thief In Office steals an election, as is documented in 2000 mules, that's not Insurrection. Similarly when Kyle Rittinghouse was getting clearly chased down and beaten, and defends himself, that's not self defense, he's a instigator who went there to murder black people, a racist murderer, and he got away with it which surely means a racist judge and racist jury and ultimately, a racist justice system, yet when blm rioters don't even get charged for violent crimes and assaults, and get away with looting, well that's reparation. So when your optics are completely messed up, useless, when you talk about Americans and you're not bothered to make all your judgments based on complete supposition and clear bunk prejudices and incredibly idiotic stereotypes, you've no room to cast any judgement, least claim you're at all any better than your idiotic suppositions, you're not Sexist, so stop the gaslighting, you're a racist, who despises, hates it seems, his opposition, yet who seemingly has no contact or actual knowledge of them.

You're not an American, you're not even aware of the crucial difference between a Noun, and a Verb, you're no more American than you're a woman.