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RE: Fear and Debt in America: CBDC's and the March Toward Totalitarianism

in Deep Dives2 years ago

I'll continue mocking the idiocy you responded to about our "debt" and your retarded defeatist "independent" production which plays directly in the divide and conquer tactic while ironically 'production' is only the result of processing resources, resources which get mined, extracted, grown, refined, transported, stored outside your retarded hermit isolation of "independent production". In the same ironic twist of putting the carriage before the horse you relegate the inventive and pioneering spirit of man that brought about this abundance of wealth, as merely retards without self determination, without any political will and nothing more than sheep that will do and say anything for a hand out.

What do you call someone who takes a handout, invests it into a resource and extracts many times the wealth that was given to them, dependent producer? Nothing as they're both parasite and producer?

Like the retard above you ironically clap for his retarded defeatist conclusion, to retards like you two the person who was responsible for tens of thousand, if not more, individuals having a job, lifting entire neighbourhoods out of poverty, and did it by themselves, is also "the ultimate prostitute", "a man that will do anything for money", the same person who refused taking one penny for the job and not only did it for free also in the process passed up billions of dollars worth of easy profits, such is your ability to discern wet from dry, evil from noble, good from rotten.


Your derangement is pretty entertaining. However, after parsing a few lines of your rant, I tired of spotting how you completely misunderstand and misstate every single thing you say, so I quit reading.

Try to be more entertaining, please. I mean, at least make some semblance of understanding, try to string me along. I paid good RC's for your rants. Make them worth my time and treasure.

I can't suspend disbelief enough to pretend to see how you can say independent means are exactly the trap overlords want us to fall into. And come up with better insults. You repeat 'retarded defeatist' over and over. Hit a thesaurus. 'stupid loser' isn't beyond your abilities.

C'mon man. Cut the malarkey.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

You should see my garden.

LOL you're like, elemental. A force of nature. Implacable, unable to be distracted. Like erosion by wind and rain, eventually you just wear down whatever you attack because you never give up.

So, you're point is that if I bought my heirloom turnip seeds on Amazon I'm just contributing to the globohomo imposition of bug-ridden goyslop on hapless normies when I grow my own turnips.

Got it. BTW, every time you breathe you buy Al Gore and Greta Thunberg another private jet, because you melt the sea ice. There's nothing you can do to not be a criminal extinguisher of all that is good and decent! Just give up, pleb. You vill own ze nussink, and you vil be happy!

You're obsessed with some kind of doctrine of Original Sin. What saviour must we all bow down to in your theocracy? Who will save us poor incompetent plebs that cannot themselves act in any meaningful way to save themselves?

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment