Again when you assume you make an ‘Ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’. :)
Please don’t try and teach science to me. I am a scientist and I am well renowned in my field. I have 2 masters degrees and a PhD. :)
If you try to teach me science that would really be the end of the conversation. It seems like we have arrived there. See, usually this happens. I didn’t assume anything but here we are :)
And so you have resorted to attempting to belittle someone who is trying to have a sensible conversation with you. Well done you. I never made any attempt to “teach you science” but instead tried to make the point that science is often contested, often with valid points on either side (surely even you would agree with this?)
It’s a shame your ego has gotten in the way of our conversation. I think I understand now why things have got to this point.
Ce la vie