What is going on in the world is a clear message that we have been doing things wrong for years, that we are in a world that is totally distant from reality, that despite how cruel it can be in certain cases, in the end the fault is ours.
Yes, we, the most indomitable humans in the universe, believe in fallacies that become constant every time we refer to the forbidden.
That forbidden element is what makes us selfish, incapable, spoiled and even bad people.
Sometimes we are not able to argue concrete answers, but, on the contrary, we begin to refute everything that goes against what is thought.
In short, those people who do not share our way of thinking, we leave it aside, for the simple fact of not being by what is thought. Sometimes they compare it to Toxic People and the concepts cannot be confused.
Why? For the simple fact that if person A contradicts my ideology, I can't say he's toxic because of that. In any case, I would be toxic if I did not accept his different conception of the subject.
And that's how we go through life trying to hide things, to go unnoticed and even to speak ill of others, and that's just where I say, is it right what we're doing? The answer is definitely a NO, because in life we can't be that miserable a person.
This reflection might help some and maybe not others, but I am sure that even if you deny it, we have all absolutely passed this at some point in our lives.
The pic from unsplash.com
I stay away from toxic people.
They're energy vampires
Yes, toxic people consume your energy, as if they were a vampire.
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