Let's talk about depression and suicide.

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Why do we think suicide is for sick people?

That is the theory that is most emphasized nowadays, something that has a high impact on our being since most people think that because you want to commit suicide, you are out of your mind.

And I tell you that it is not so, for a long time it has been proven that depression is something that affects us all regardless of sex, religion or race. It's as simple as getting up in the morning and drinking coffee.


Even for the WHO, according to a study, about 350 million people in the world suffer from depression, something that undoubtedly sets off the alarms of our conscience.

And it is not for nothing that this depressive factor is highly influential because it induces a complete brain inactive state that the only thing that goes through your head is sadness, desolation, death, loneliness.

That's why we're going to find out about the different types of depression that exist:

Dysthymic Disorder:

It is a somewhat strange depression, since the person may be healthy, but it is accompanied by an inevitable discouragement, discomfort or as it is popularly known as bitterness or anger.


Depressive disorder:

It is that depression that affects the person's behaviour in their daily life; that is, in an interpersonal, social, work, family and sentimental way. When this happens, the person loses appetite, suffers from a sleep disorder, sadness, these episodes can be mild or advanced that lead to psychotic disorders.


Bipolar disorder:

Perhaps, many people know it by definition given. Still, it is not entirely so, those bipolar people suffer a depressive condition that in addition to the constant changes in mood, affect the stability of the psyche of the affected. Therefore, they resort to antidepressant treatment to gradually slow down these manic levels.


Unipolar Disorder:

Some time ago it was known as reactive depression, that is, it is activated by some sadness factor such as death, separation, job loss, change of residence, among others. Something significant happens here, is that the Bullying is within the parameters of Unipolar disorder, so it is essential to pay close attention to what happens to our children or family.


With these points, I believe that it is convenient that we review our environment, not all the one who smiles is because he is happy; it is only a sample of what he feels. We have great examples of famous artists who suffered from this terrible disease called depression.

Chester Bennington the vocalist of Linkin Park, his death took us all by surprise. In particular, I am very affected as it is one of my bands. Another artist, the great but great actor Robin Williams, I still remember that he made us laugh at everything and learn about suicide is something so incredible, it is difficult to overcome.

That's why I tell you, behind a smile of laughter, behind those words I'm ok, you can hide a lot of things. I'm telling you on the basis that I suffer from depression, and I've been through two suicide attempts, but I'm still standing my ground, so don't think it's not easy to live this way.

You know how difficult it is to live like this, but thanks to life, writing, making contact with friends around the world has helped me to slow down my depression. That is why I am very grateful to enterprises like Hive, steemit, which allow people like us to express what we feel through letters.

And to all those who suffer from depression I say here I am, you can contact me and let's always talk but always remember the best antidote to depression is to have someone who listens to you and here I will be once again to say that together we can get out of this situation.

Finally, I want to leave you with a super positive message from the vocalist of the band Imagine Dragons; I think it is a super powerful message and that without a doubt every time you feel bad I invite you to listen to it.

All images are free of authorship and are extracted from


Fear of the loneliness the stigma, the inequality in society that the verification- the diagnoses of a mental health issue can have.@arcabuzx such a real and significant article and story that you have written here and I am so glad that you did for too many people reject what they know deep done inside out of fear.

This is a well rounded and researched article and with your personal comments in there, you have put a human face on what is still an often ignored and even denied issues that at sometime, every single person will face in their lifetime.

Any time you ever need to talk- call me ok. 😊

It's good that someone stopped to read this, it really motivates me to keep writing, for a moment I thought no one cares about me. But seeing your answer is significant enough for me. Thank you very much, now is when I need a friend to talk to.

Well I'm still up....

You want a private chat?
Are you on Discord or any other app like that?

If you don't feel like talking right now (it is 1:30am for me over here)
please click on this link which will take you to my 2 websites
1 is about animals-

Si no tienes ganas de hablar ahora mismo (es la 1:30 am para mí aquí)
haga clic en este enlace que lo llevará a mis 2 sitios web
1 es sobre animales

and the other one is pretty pictures.
y el otro son fotos bonitas.


Ellas podrían hacerte sentir un poco mejor
they might make you feel a bit better....😊