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RE: Blame Satan..?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

#Steemicide still with us after all these years.

The game is a crab bucket, deal with it.
Preferably not by calling other users bad names.
Or, don't play.

If we don't like it enough we can always buy more hive and change the culture.


Mostly agree, @antisocialist. Only the "we can always buy more hive" part doesn't fly for everyone; I know it doesn't for me. On the contrary even: with great pain I had to sell some of the Hive not too long ago due to a personal emergency. Because of the 13 week withdrawal buffer I had plenty time to come up with another solution, but still wasn't able to find one. That hurt and was something I'd never thought I'd do. But hey, life happens. Thanks again for your support!