Preparing to Give a Talk on Egypt's Deserts

in Education3 years ago (edited)


Even though I live in sub-tropical South Florida, the Egyptian desert is never far, for me... 🐫

In less than a week, I will be delivering a talk to Wisdom Ways Center for Spirituality recounting my spiritual awakening, around twenty years ago, in the deserts of Egypt.

Here's a poem that I will be reading as part of my presentation, and below that a video intro to my background that I hope you will enjoy:


Desert Revisited

under a whirling skirt of sky
streaming light and stars
groping for that tremendous hem
gingerly over quicksand

as though steadied
beneath some tongue and dissolving
not the absence of sound
but the presence of silence

or, as if transfixed
by a gaze, stern-serene
surveying a dream

incorruptible starting point
inviolable horizon
where eye and mind are free
to meditate perfection

there, begin to uncover
buried in dust and disinterest
the immutable letter
(first of the Arabic alphabet) Alif

—Yahia Lababidi



Good poem,I like the antithesis you posited here on the 2nd stanza.:)

Thank you, for your close attention. Yes, it can feel like Silence itself is listening back to you in the desert... Peace

Yahiya, thanks for this appreciation,
But I think, there is the language that words implicate, your words speak of your honest character,
And the Arabian poems and the smell of sands and the atmosphere is so mind-blowing..
Here, I couldn’t resist complimenting you...
Have a nice day,buddy...👍💗 are a goo man..

Bless you, for your generosity. Good people see goodness in others 🙏🏽✨

Because you appreciate the atmosphere of the desert, you might enjoy this video trailer for my forthcoming collection:


Ah, my pleasure talking with you..

Likewise ✌️

Amazing work, spiritual and enlightened...

Thank you, for your support, @weone & I hope your New Year is off to a good start 🙏🏽✨