What is Blog and How To Start Blogging? Education Series_3 by Rashmi

in Education3 years ago


What is Blog? What is Blogging? You must have often heard that many people are making a lot of online earning by creating a blog. You must have also thought that what is this blog and what is blogging called? Can online earning really be done from a blog? And if yes, then what are the things you need to know to make a blog? and how a blog is created. You are going to get the answers of all these questions in this post – What is Blog and How to Start Blogging?

What Is a Blog_ Explanation of Blogging Terms for Beginners~2.jpeg

What is a Blog?

In the olden times, many people were fond of writing their daily experiences in a diary or diary. They used to note down the daily events on the same day's page. Date and Time were also written. Time changed and the era of Internet came. In the year 1999, Google launched such a free platform on which you could share your daily experiences and thoughts digitally on the Internet, share your thoughts on the Internet Digitally. The only way to share ideas is called Blog. Blog is called a blog in Hindi, in which you can write your daily activities, news related to any topic, interesting and work information and your thoughts. Blogging is called Chitkarita or Blogging in Hindi.

Now is the era of Hindi blogging

Blogging in India is very popular in Hindi and in English. Many people have selected blogging as their career. In blogging you not only make money but also make a name. It is said that no one gets dream job, name and money all together. But something like this in blogging. Yes, Blogger is such a platform where you can go a long way by selecting the topic you want. All you need is perseverance and patience in your mind, if you keep working hard, everything is possible here. If you have a good idea then you can also make a career in blogging.

How to earn money from blogging –

Let's understand this from the beginning, it is a complete Eco System. Many people depend on each other in this. Advertisers have been using different methods to run any business or to convey their business information to the customer. Initially, advertisements were shown on News Paper, Magazine, Radio and Television. These platforms were chosen because Because they used to reach millions of people, but there was a problem here that any advertisement which was shown had reach to every person who should be shown it. In today's language, what we call interest based advertising i.e. advertisements are shown only to those people in which the person is interested.

Advertising is a means of earning

That's why things changed since the advent of the Internet, now the advertiser started taking the help of the Internet to show the advertisement. To show the advertisement here, Google has created such an advertising platform on which any advertiser can advertise in a very low budget. and could show only those people for whom that ad was created. The name of this Ads Platform was Google Adwords, which is now currently known as Google Ads.
Google initially used to show ads on Google Ad-words on its home page. The reason for this was that millions of people used to search on Google, due to this the interest of advertisers had increased more in showing ads on Google.

This is how partnership with Google is

Now the thing to see here was that Google only shows links to other websites in its search. It does not have any content of its own, but since Blogger was a platform of Google itself, Google decided that it will now show the ads coming from advertisers on Blogger, which will also generate income for bloggers and their trend will move towards blogging. And it happened. Google gives some part of the income from advertising to Blogger and keeps some part with itself.
Initially, Google used to advertise only on English language blogs, but today it also advertises on Hindi language blogs. Thousands of people blogging in Hindi language in India also earn good money.

What is Adsense and how does it work?

To place ads on the blog, every blogger has to register his blog for Adsense Account Approval on a service called Google's Adsense. After that the Google Adsense team reviews the blog. For which it follows the guidelines made by Google. Payment is sent to your bank account after completing minimum 100 $.

Everyone benefits from this, the advertiser is able to reach more people in a less budget, Google benefits both you and yourself by partnering with you and people see the ads of their choice.

How to start if you don't have money

If you are thinking that you need to invest a lot for blogging, then it is not so, you can also create a free blog by visiting Google's Free Blogging Platform, and start blogging from today itself. When you create a free blogging, then there you will be able to do all the things that a professional blogger does. For some things you will also have to compromise, but it is not bad for a free start.

Know When to Get a Domain Name and Template

When you create a free blog on Google's platform, then Blogger's subdomain Blogspot.in is attached behind your domain name. But if you want to have your own domain then you can add it with a custom domain. For which you will have to spend 300 to 1000 rupees annually, you can always run your blog only by renewing the domain every year. Along with this, if you have a little more budget with you, then you can also buy a good Premium Blog Template. For which you have to spend money only once. This gives a professional look to the blog. The price of Premium Blog Template ranges from Rs.500 to Rs.3000. That is, if you spend on Domain Name and Template, then you can create a Professional Blog for around Rs.4000.

When to get web hosting

If you think that now you have learned how to blog very well, and a lot of traffic (people who read the blog) has started coming to your blog, then you have to decide whether you want to buy web hosting or not. Let me tell those who are unaware of web hosting that whatever content you upload on the Internet, whether it is text, image, or video, it is uploaded on a server, which is connected to the Internet for 24 hours. We use Google's Free Web Hosting on Blogger, which has some limitations. If you want to create a custom professional website, then it cannot be made on Blogger's Free Platform. For this you have to buy web hosting.

Why Professional Bloggers Choose WordPress????

So after all, what is it in WordPress, which most websites in the world are built on WordPress itself. For example, if you feel like eating pizza, then there are 3 ways to do it –

  • First you understand the recipe of making pizza yourself and then collect all its ingredients and then make pizza.

  • Another way is, you go to a pizza maker and order it. What kind of pizza do you want and then enjoy it. This can be a bit expensive.

  • The third way is, you go to the market, it is ready. Buy pizza, bring it home, heat it and eat it.

Similarly, if you want to make a website for yourself, then first you have to learn web designing. That too in a professional way then you will be able to create a website.

Another way is, you will go to a web designer. Will tell him all his things, what are the things you want in the website, for which he will charge you a huge fee and will make you website. And you will also have to contact him for updates from time to time.

The third way is to go to WordPress, there you simply attach your domain and hosting. Make a website that you do not need to do much. You already get a lot of plugins there. You have to make a website related to anything, just install it and it's done. You don't need to learn any programming. You don't need to learn any web designing available to you on WordPress.

What is content writing

Bought the place, built the shop and decorated it too. But now what is the quality of the goods you keep in your shop, the running of that shop depends on this thing. Similarly, the running or not running of any blog depends on the quality of its content.
Google always says that "Content is King" means if your blog content, which you also call blog post, if there is power, then the design of your website and other things do not matter. Readers reading that blog will always be affected. And Google also always keeps such a blog in search whose content people like. That is, this is a very important topic. Let us know which things affect your reader, all the other shortcomings go away with time.

Content Writing Tips

  • Unique and influential content on any topic is always liked by the people. In which detailed information is given on every topic in detail.
  • It is very important to create content according to the topic of the blog and also to understand the interest of your readers. If you do not know that the readers coming to your blog are interested in something, then you will not be able to write a correct content. For which you can use Google Analytics service. By which you will know where the reader coming to your blog is coming from and what is his age or what language he speaks. Apart from this, you will get many more information from here.
  • Select the topic according to the time, learn how to do Keyword Research, that is, you can get more and more readers on the topic which is currently trending. and show your interest. So write article on trending topic
  • Prepare interesting ideas to get the attention of readers. Do a little research as to which of your readers have shown the most interest in your old articles, choose those topics.
  • Your new article must have links to other articles. Which should be related to other articles of your blog as well, your blog should also contain links to related articles, so that your readers can stay on your blog for as long as possible. While writing articles, you should suggest such articles to your readers You can also give, which are most viewed on your blog.
  • Articles should be neat and clear in language. That is, people should understand what you are saying.

When you create a blog website, its success depends on how many readers it gets, and most readers use search engines like Google to find any topic. That is, they enter any keyword on google, Google searches for that keyword in all blogs and websites. If that keyword is found in your blog, then Google sends that reader to your blog. For this, Google checks some special things in your blog article, for which Google has created a guideline, which is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Keep in mind that you can not achieve success in blogging in 1 day. It is not that easy to do, but if you have decided once, then blogging cannot escape you. You will definitely get success in this for 1 day, but for that it is also necessary to work with constant hard work and patience.

Hope you understand what is blog? Who is Blog? How to earn money from blogging? What are the things necessary for blogging, budget, domain name and template, web hosting, what is content writing and what is search engine optimization? I hope you have liked this information very much. If you like this information, then you can increase the information of others by sharing it with your friends.
Have a nice day
Thank you ☺️


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