The great impact of philosophy on our intellectual development / Personal reflection

in Education3 years ago (edited)

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Greetings again my dear readers of this prestigious platform, we know that everything that surrounds us is endowed with great complexity, that is why, throughout our history we have been dedicated to the structuring of any type of tool that allows us to obtain knowledge of such a complex environment, and thus to know our reality as best as possible.

Our evolution as a human species has undoubtedly been proportional to the different knowledge acquired throughout our history, therefore, we could clearly state that all those fields or areas responsible for providing such knowledge represent the great locomotive of such exponential development, and of course, here we find essential fields such as science, technology and education.

We know that when we refer physically to a locomotive we are referring metaphorically to a machine, and therefore, it requires some kind of fuel for its movement, otherwise it could not move from one place to another, so the locomotive of human knowledge as we have called it also requires some form of energy or fuel for its normal or necessary operation, in this case we can say that this fuel is represented by the philosophy of the human being.

Philosophy allows us to reflect, and with it, to analyze the other part of our reality beyond the interpretation of any component area of our locomotive of knowledge, therefore, philosophizing represents that fact of being able to respond to so many concerns that have accumulated throughout our history as far as possible, and in relation to our reality, philosophy we can say that it has become an intrinsic part of our thinking as we do it constantly in a natural way to respond in many occasions any concern proposed even by ourselves in relation to our reality.

Therefore, my dear readers, it is important to express that the capacity for reflection that we possess today, without a doubt, we have inherited from the philosophical field, and in this way, it becomes one of the most fundamental roots or bases for our evolution in all senses, then, it is a very useful tool which has allowed us to structure our complex and changing reality as best as possible.

So our essential locomotive of knowledge acquisition will be able to be in motion thanks to the energy provided by our philosophy, that is to say, a team work, where everyone is a complement of knowledge in full, therefore, let us remember that the reflective aspect is always fundamental to be able to find the different criteria that can help us to overcome any kind of prejudice and dogmatism, and as we all know they invade the ordinary knowledge about our reality.

Until another opportunity my dear readers.