Is it possible to expand our life with discipline?

in Education7 months ago



Greetings again my dear friends I hope you are all very well, one of our main objectives in life is to try to expand our existence as much as we can, and I think that one of the essential reasons is the application of the so recognized discipline in everything we do or in everything we want to achieve as our dreams.

Without a doubt, discipline represents an essential life habit for any person who wishes to succeed in life. Of course, some people may achieve some kind of success without much or any discipline, but, nevertheless, it is like going through life aimlessly and hoping that somehow everything will line up by itself so that something will come into your life.

One of the reasons that make us stay alive, is the healthy enjoyment of life, this with reference to what we can achieve to do for our happiness, and when we refer to the aforementioned, it is very important to highlight the discipline, because with it we can take care of ourselves both physically and mentally.

Any person who wishes to be happy must undoubtedly remain with great balance both physically and mentally, otherwise everything will be in vain, and this we can achieve with the application of constant discipline in everything we do, with our children, for example, in transmitting the best values of life, such as respect for themselves and for others.

Discipline can provide us with so many positive things or attitudes that when we implement it daily everything becomes more precise and allows us to see life between the lines, that between the lines that very few can see without the application of the habit of discipline, therefore, without discipline we can hardly expand our existence to its maximum expression in our journey through this wonderful planet Earth.

Maybe some people could boast about the fact of not being disciplined, however, discipline can become such an intrinsic action in what we do that in certain occasions we cannot notice it easily, and some believe that everything happens randomly and without any effort, which is totally wrong, everything in life involves a constant effort and dedication, and that is what discipline is acting although some do not consider it that way.

Therefore, I think that if we want to expand our existence we have to take into account the generation and implementation of the positive habit of discipline in everything we plan to do, this habit is one of the principles of learning that we can transmit to our children and that they will always be grateful.

No matter what some people around you think, each person builds his existence based on his discipline whether he wants to accept it or not, then, it will always be possible to expand our existence with the application of an adequate discipline focused on our main objectives in life, those objectives that seek our constant happiness with the people we care about and value.



Until another opportunity my dear friends.