One of the most valuable actions for humanity is to take advantage of the splendor of its freedom, however, this meter will always feed on all its principles of education, this in any space-time where it is, for example, knowledge usually makes us free from some kind of manipulation from any area that we have to go through.
Therefore, if we consider freedom as our most essential weapon towards our happiness, then, we must learn to be responsible with it, that is to say, we must begin to respect the criteria of freedom of other people, since the immense plurality of thoughts makes us reflect the different criteria of freedom of the people around us.
If we are asked what freedom is, we can immediately think of not being isolated from other people for some circumstance of life, but, however, at some point we isolate ourselves from the whole world to pretend to be in freedom with our inner self, therefore, everything is linked to what we want to do at any given time.
In the political sphere, citizens use the term liberty a lot, but it will always be linked to the norms established or written through laws and to make proper use of our social freedom we must educate ourselves in all these rules of coexistence, established in our societies long before our birth, then, at birth our freedom is conditioned to principles of coexistence.
However, as human beings we adapt ourselves to every established norm and we learn to extract the best of the benefits in every law, in any space where we find ourselves there will be norms that according to our prejudice will be pleasant or not to our interests or personal ambitions, for it the enormous role of educating ourselves in all the senses of life.
Our mind is expansive as much as we want it to expand, and if we wish to make full use of our freedom it is necessary to educate ourselves for it, maybe sometimes there are people who try to limit our natural principle of freedom in every sense, however, if we are educated or nurtured correctly, they can hardly limit us in our desire to be successful or consequently happy people.
Freedom is a universal conception and we must be responsible with its use, never pretend that the only reason for freedom is the one that satisfies ourselves, I think that when we understand the essential principle through our education in every sense, then, we will make proper use of every criterion of freedom that we possess in our mind.
The true particular freedom for each person is known only to him or her, beyond that collective or individual freedom to which it refers when we are not enclosed or isolated, but that intrinsic freedom of the human being which encourages him or her to be successful and above all to be as happy as possible.
Until another opportunity my dear friends.