Legal culture in schools.

in Education3 years ago (edited)

The law is a set of rules that regulate relations between people in society, and these rules may be binding, or they may be non-binding, provided that there is no act contrary to public order. The law defines the rights and duties of persons.
And here the role of the school appears. It is not necessary for everyone to study law in universities, but it is very important that general legal principles are taught to school students in order to build a sound legal culture for the new generations. This will reflect positively on all aspects of life in society, and Especially reducing crime rates and avoiding some financial problems that may arise as a result of some commercial or civil transactions.
Unfortunately, many countries make a grave mistake by not including legal lessons in their school subjects, and we note that these countries often suffer from many social problems and corruption, while countries that are interested in educating their children legally are often advanced and civilized countries.
In my opinion, it is shameful for students to reach university age without knowing anything about the law of the country in which they live, and it is very important to teach children the principles of law and develop their legal and social culture.