My passion has been to be an educator all my life, from an early age I went to Christian services and schools, and as a volunteer at home homes, without a doubt children are our best teachers. From them I learned to develop the great fruit of patience and love that today is my engine to keep going.
Starting with this phrase:
The object of education is to teach us to love the beautiful.
I remember my primary school teacher as a pillar in my life, my home was not really easy, practically I had to be the oldest of a group of brothers abandoned by dad, she educated me and guided me with love, and today it was As a kind of magnet for good, I can say that with love everything is possible to stop being a wounded, rebellious girl to be the sweetest educator (said so by my students).

When some of my little ones make a mistake, I have taught them how that teacher taught me, to recognize my fault, apologize and follow the right path without attacking my fellowmen. Also, growing up without a father helped me a lot to take refuge in God and these words also made me grow:
That father to whom his son asks for bread will give him a stone, and if you, being evil, know how to give good things to your children, the more the father who is in heaven will do it, from there he learned to trust, to trust prudently in my alike and to be a happy adult.

More than an educator it is good to be an instructor for apprentices or a counselor for parents, my biggest advice is, educate your children with love and respect and when they grow up they will be men and women with such high potential that they will conquer the greatest dreams.This virtue can never be replaced by sweets, excursions or directed tasks.We do not expect our children to grow, although it is never too late the preschool opportunity, the house when they are small are unique.
The importance of educating with love
1.-When children receive love as their first value, they will feel loved and will be able to love others more easily. This favors the development of healthy self-esteem.
2.-The child who receives love learns healthy social precepts, so that his future relationships will be glaring.
3.-When the child does not receive love, he can become a dependent person, and longing for displays of affection and affection.
4.-Love brings security and confidence to the child that will allow him to face unpleasant situations and adversities in a safe way.
5.-Today with the theme of the covid-19 the children who feel loved will not be disturbed but will develop emotional intelligence to overcome any adversity, looking for support in the beings who have given them love.
Words that we must use with authority and at the same time with love to stop the growth of our children.
Stillness, moments in which it is important for children to be calm, to experience that solitude to listen to themselves.
Wait,In life they will have to face moments of waiting, as educators we will have to encourage patience in children in order for them to achieve goals.
Watch out. Teaching children to be responsible, this can be done from looking after school supplies, cleaning clothes, among other activities.
Listens. Paying attention is a gift and a blessing, children must develop this value and learn to listen to their peers with whom they have daily contact.
No. Children must experience the value of no from their authorities. Regardless of what you do, you must bear in mind that a no is a no in the full sense of the word, there are limits and they must be respected.
It is essential to introduce love in our educational work, listening to the child with kindness and without judging him is important.
- Meet the child
- Shows interest in their things.
- Patience and understanding
- Respect your comfort space.
- Have a good mood.
- Take care of your self-esteem.

Do you dare to educate with love?
"Do not spare your children the difficulties of life, rather teach them to overcome them."
-Louis Pasteur-
Remember to show affection, place love in everything you do. Life without love is nothing, now faith, hope and love remain, but the greatest of them is love.