We must remember and bear in mind that face-to-face classes are not the same as distance classes and certainly this has also brought pressure that has interfered in the mental health of the entire student group, specifically in teachers due to the various problems or limitations that arise both in students as well as parents and teachers
That is why taking care of mental health is very important since all these emotions also have an impact on the teacher when contacting their students and planning their daily activities
To solve this situation it is important to take care of our health and apply several tips that will help us stay firm in this process, such as:
Exercise, meditate, organize your time for the day's activities, eat healthy, take care of your friends, enjoy your walks, share your feelings, listen to music, create goals and objectives, organize your time to sleep listen to your students and be flexible
Why exercise?
Exercising regularly is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. People who lead active lives are less likely to get sick and more likely to live longer lives. Exercising allows you to have a better physical condition and also improves your mental health and general sense of well-being.
In addition to helping to relieve stress, exercise is ideal for improving memory, promoting a deep night's sleep and, in general, for generating a better mood. All these benefits contribute to increased energy and stamina, both physical and mental. ( by Denisse Oller)
In the same way, meditating is another very favorable activity for this time and for our mental health because meditation is to think and consider a matter carefully and carefully to study it, understand it well, form an opinion about it or make a decision.
In addition, health education teaches us great benefits when we meditate, such as the following:
Improved emotional health and increased happiness. ...
Increased personal awareness. ...
Development of emotional intelligence and empathy. ...
Memory improvement. ...
Relief from stress. ...
Relief from anxiety and depression. ...
Reduction of blood pressure. ( Google Dictionary)
Preparing the activities thinking carefully about all the necessary details for their proper development is a very common task in the teacher, therefore it is a method that should never be lacking in order not to have pressure problems and not to improvise
In addition, it is also important to highlight that a good diet is a very favorable option for our physical and mental health but unfortunately at this time it is difficult to comply with this requirement or benefit for our health, as well as meeting with our friends and taking care of our emotions .
As a teacher, we must take these tips into consideration because they will really help you to maintain and strengthen our mental health, which is very important for our educational profile.