Stomach upset is the center of all diseases. If the human stomach is healthy then the whole body is fine.

in Education3 years ago

If you want your stomach to work well and you have any ailments, you should always keep your body fresh but still, if you get any ailment you must take medicine. But in addition to chemical medicine, you should also use herbal medicine so I am giving you a prescription which you can follow to cure this disease.
Image reference
constipation diseases .....
Yes, constipation is the mother of diseases, so I am writing something about it
The beginning of obesity is constipation
Blade pressure ..............
Heart Diseases ......
Old headache ........
Visual impairment
Tooth decay...
Closing the ear...
The inflammatory wound of the intestine.
Stomach worms .........
Colon cancer ...
Nansoor Bhagndder...........
Pain in the shins .........
Nervous weakness .......
And the sex problem ......
Licorice in women .....
Dominance or lack of sleep .....
What is the reason for this?
Market food Poultry food
Hotelling fast food
Bakery Atom Cold drink
Comfortable life
Go to bed early after eating quickly
Drinking very cold water. Do not eat fried foods
Take sugar regularly
Drinking raw or overly sweet milk
Countless treatments are easy
I am writing a cheap prescription
There is a better solution for constipation
Egypt is number one
5 towels
Sindh without fiber
5 towels
Glue cake
1 towel
Grind separately and mix to make pea pellets
Two meals a day, two after dinner
Each servant can increase or decrease the amount of food according to his nature
Use plenty of clean water
More and more fiber foods ......
The reasons given should be omitted
Meat is always mixed with vegetables...
Take dinner or milk four hours before bedtime
A walk is necessary
Must buy fruit during the day, cheap or expensive
Better a poor horse than no horse at all
Think positive for yourself and for people
Some more information about constipation
Medication to relieve constipation should not be resorted to. It is better to treat it in a natural way by changing the diet and changing the environment because every medicine for constipation works the same.
When you take a pill to relieve constipation, it works like this:
The glands of the stomach that digest food, for example
If you are giving 10 grams of water or acid then this pill or syrup gives the same water or acid
50 gms is to be taken out and the contents are to be diluted and removed from the body. The patient is very happy. They will be forced to take the same medicine again
As you take the medicine, the dryness will increase, and then the amount of medicine will increase and it will increase to a dangerous level.
So what is the solution?
There are some things that work in reverse. They do not take water from the stomach glands and work in the intestines on their own.
Remember, constipation is not a disease of the stomach, it is a disease of the intestines.
The first of these things is Chhalka Asbaghul
Every diet high in fiber, for example
Fig guava
Indigenous fibrous mango balance
Seed Rehan Sabit Isbaghol
Etc. and Rogan Arend
These fiber foods make the intestines burn and excrete the material which does not cause any discomfort.
The weak liver is also a cause of constipation
If the liver is fully functioning, give the correct amount of bile to the address and if the address drops this bile in the small intestine at the right time, then this problem will not arise.
Just as the pancreas's job is to produce insulin and inject it into the intestines to control glucose levels, so too does bile drop into the intestines, which digests fat, eliminates odors, and helps excrete. Is
When the pancreas does not work, glucose is not digested and becomes sugar
Fat is not digested if it does not work, gas causes trouble constipation and many diseases arise.
Nowadays, doctors very quickly find out the patient who has been suffering from indigestion all his life.
So think twice before cutting the address
Make fiber a part of your diet
Basin Stomach Bakery Atom
Dispose of biryani
Make exercise and walking a part of life
Pray for me