Teenagers and drug abuse - The evil of our times!

in Education4 years ago

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Today in life, more parents have to work, and less time is spent with children.  Many children are left at home alone in the afternoons and more responsibilities are given to children.  Many kids don’t have the opportunity just to be kids, and they are exposed to adult life at a young age.  

Naturally, kids are curious and sometimes do things that they don’t really want to do due to peer pressure.  

It is the responsibility of the parent to start at home discussing the dangers of drugs with their children. It needs to be made clear that teenagers who experiment with drugs, put their own safety and health at risk.  Kids need to be taught how to make good choices and they need to know the dangers of drugs.  

Why do kids use and misuse drugs?

There are plenty of factors that play a role in the misuse of drugs.  Many kids want to feel part of the in-crowd and take part in experimenting with substances that they can easily get hold of, like cigarettes and alcohol. 

Many kids feel insecure about themselves, and they do things to become more socially acceptable.  They live with the feeling of everyone does it so why not me? Most teenagers do not think about the consequences of their own actions because they think they are untouchable. 

What are the common risk factors for drug abuse under kids?

Traumatic events that took place somewhere in the life of the child, that makes the child feel worthless as well as behavior conditions such as anxiety, impulsive behavior, and depression.  There can also be a family history of drug abuse. 

What are the consequences of drug abuse amongst young kids?

Teenagers that misuse drugs are at risk of staying dependent on drugs. They will develop even poorer judgment and ultimately, they will not care what happens to them.  This might lead to sexual activity where they might get pregnant or perhaps cause a pregnancy that is totally unplanned.  

This puts the baby at risk, and it might lead to miscarriage or even cause the baby (if born) to be dependent on drugs.  This causes serious developmental issues for the baby and a long-term commitment from the parent. 

Teenagers who use drugs can develop mental health disorders which can cause severe problems in a teenager’s life.  It will affect their school performance and might affect their relationships with their families. 

Health effects of drugs

Drug misuse can only result in the following: Addiction, illness, and ultimately death.  

The following four drugs can cause severe issues:

Cocaine can cause seizures, heart attacks, or strokes.  Ecstasy causes liver failure. Marijuana impairs your memory as well as cause issues with concentration and problem-solving. Marijuana can also cause hallucinations and psychosis. Opioids which is a very common drug cause a risk of respiratory distress and will result in death from an overdose. 

When talking to teens about drug use it is important to do this at a time when you know they will listen.  Take away their phones and have a proper conversation with them.  You need to warn a teenager of all the consequences and make them aware of the dangers regarding drug usage.  

Do not even attempt to have this conversation if the child is already intoxicated or high. It’s also no use to be angry when talking to a teenager about drugs because they will definitely not be willing to communicate.  Wait for the right time, but make sure you have this talk before it is too late.  

When you talk to a teenager it is very important to ask them their own view on drugs first.  They might surprise you.  Scaring a young person is not the ideal thing to do, and you should rather focus on the negative effects of drugs. Talk about the effect that drugs can have on sports, health, and appearance. Discuss scenarios of what the young person should do if he/she is offered drugs, but also discuss peer pressure.  Motivate the young person to be a good influence rather than a bad influence. If you have any drug experience of your own, this is the time to tell the teenager about it.  If you have never tried any drugs, you should explain to them why you chose not to do drugs.  Be an example! 

What other preventative measures can be taken?

Trust the kid.  Should they want to go out, make sure they know that you trust them and let them know that you are available immediately should they be in trouble.

Make sure that you have stable rules for the young person but also make them aware of the consequences should they not follow the rules. Get to know the young people and give them some sort of a haven to come to when they have issues.  Be open-minded, because if you are, they will be more willing to trust you. 

Practice what you preach! You can’t speak to someone about their drug and alcohol abuse if you are a drinker.  If you want to drink, do so in moderation.  

What are the signs to look out for:

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Changes in eating and sleeping habits. New friends hanging around. Old friends not coming around. Withdrawal from family commitments or breaking rules. 

Drug abuse is dangerous.  Every teen should be aware of all the options available should they land in trouble.  





Thanks for this enlightenment