Marvin the mouse- A comprehension test for kids

in Education2 years ago

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Once there was a mouse named Marvin who lived in a cozy little mouse-hole in the wall of a farmhouse. Marvin was a curious little mouse, always exploring and getting into mischief. One day, while scurrying around the kitchen, Marvin spotted a shiny object on the floor. It was a brand new mousetrap, and it looked like it was just begging to be explored.

Marvin couldn't resist the temptation and scampered over to the mousetrap. He sniffed around it, trying to figure out what it was. As he was investigating, he accidentally stepped on the trigger and SNAP! The mousetrap snapped shut on Marvin's tiny mouse foot.

Marvin was terrified. He had never been caught in a mousetrap before, and he had no idea how to get out. He wriggled and squirmed, trying to free himself, but the more he moved, the tighter the mousetrap squeezed.

Just when Marvin was about to give up hope, he heard a voice. It was the farmer's wife, who had come into the kitchen to check on the mousetrap.

"Well, well, well," said the farmer's wife, "looks like we've got ourselves a little mouse stuck in the mousetrap."

Marvin looked up at the farmer's wife with pleading eyes, hoping she would set him free. But instead of releasing him, the farmer's wife just chuckled and said, "Looks like someone won't be getting into any more mischief around here."

Marvin sighed and resigned himself to his fate. At least he wouldn't have to worry about getting caught in a mousetrap again.

  1. What was the name of the mouse in the story?
  2. Where did the mouse live?
  3. What did the mouse find in the kitchen?
  4. Why did the mouse get caught in the mousetrap?
  5. How did the mouse try to free itself from the mousetrap?
  6. Who came into the kitchen while the mouse was stuck in the mousetrap?
  7. What did the farmer's wife say when she saw the mouse in the mousetrap?
  8. Did the farmer's wife release the mouse from the mousetrap?
  9. How did the mouse feel about being caught in the mousetrap?
  10. What did the mouse learn from this experience?