In a house in the town of Bretan, lived three mice named Salto, Brinco and Bote and a very naughty cat named Ginger.
One night the three mice were hanging around the kitchen because they were very hungry and they saw a delicious piece of cheese.

Ginger, as she was very clever, always watched over the kitchen so that the mischievous mice did not approach her.
-Salto tells his colleagues- "Hey friends, I'm very hungry, we haven't eaten since yesterday because Ginger doesn't give us a chance to enter the kitchen, did you see that delicious piece of cheese in the kitchen?" responds- "Of course we saw it, and my guts are ringing from the hunger I have, we have to see how we do to get to it" - To which Bote answers- "If I don't eat tonight I think I'll faint, we have to find a way to get into the kitchen without Ginger noticing. "
All three cats were hungry and were thinking about how to sneak away from Ginger and get into the kitchen.
-Salto tells his friends- "I know what we are going to do, as Ginger is so silent and we never hear when she comes and does not allow us to enter the kitchen we can put a bell around her neck so that when she moves and comes we realize "- Brinco answers him-" Excellent idea Jump, when we hear the bell we will run to our lairs and we will be safe "- Bote answers-" great but there is only a small problem "-" Which one? "- they asked her friends- "who will put the bell on Ginger's neck?
At that moment there was silence and none of the three spoke, until Salto came out and said, "Well, I won't do it because the idea of the bell was mine, so I've already done my part" - while Brinco answers- "well the problem is that I'm a bit blind and I can't see well at night so I don't think I can put the bell on Ginger ", -Bote thought for a moment and said-" well I'm very small, so I don't think I can reach Ginger's neck to put the bell on her. "
The three mice looked at each other's faces and, unable to reach an agreement, they decided to return to their den and lie down to sleep again while their guts gnashing with hunger.

Questions for students in class:
2.-What was the name of the three mice?
3.-What was the cat's name?
4.-What happened to the three mice?
5.-What did the three mice see in the kitchen?
6.-Why couldn't the mice reach the cheese?
7.-What idea did the mice come up with and who came up with it?
8.-What did Brinco say to his friends so that he could not carry out the idea that they had come up with?
9.-What was the reason why Bote did not place the bell on Ginger?
10.- Did the three mice carry out their great idea?
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