One day Mr. Pinguino, called Ploto, was washing clothes and laying them out in the backyard of his house, when suddenly his penguin nephews called Floty and Fluty arrived and said- "Hello Uncle Ploto, you know that today we went to To bathe in the pond and when we got there we realized that it was empty "-" and why? How is that? - Asked his uncle- "we don't know but the ducks, Lulu and Peter told us that apparently the elephants they had emptied drinking water and bathing "-" Hoo what a problem "- said Uncle Ploto-" let's see what we can do ".

Uncle Ploto continued to hang his clothes while his nephews sat to one side to wait for the solution that their uncle could give them, while the uncle was thinking, "What can I do to help these children" - suddenly a brilliant idea that would leave the little penguins super happy and told them- "Floty, Fluty I already have the solution, don't worry, I know what we'll do, wait for me here, I'm coming" - Uncle Ploto entered his house and looked for a bathtub Very large where the two little penguins fit perfectly and I fill it with water to the top.

"I will create your own pond", - Ploto told them - "from now on you will be able to enjoy this small personalized pond here in my house, whenever you want, and you can even take it to your home if you prefer. try it and tell me if you like it. "
Floty and Fluty got very excited and ran to get into Uncle Ploto's makeshift pond, "we love it man, it's great, super fun and we will use it every day."
The two little penguins bathed for hours and enjoyed their pond and said that they would take her home from time to time and that they would even invite their friends Lucy and Fredd to bathe with them.
Questions for students in class:
1.- What is the name of Uncle Pinguino?
2.- What was Uncle Ploto doing when his nephews arrived?
3.-What were the nephews of Tiom Ploto called?
4.- What had happened to Floty and Fluty?
5.- Why had the pond been emptied?
6.-Who told Floty and Fluty that it was the elephants?
7.- What solution did Uncle Ploto give the little penguins?
8.-Did Floty and Fluty like their makeshift pond?
9.-Who will Floty and Fluty invite to bathe in their new pond?
Objectives raised with this activity:
Get students to learn to identify places, characters, times and understand the message of the story.
Instructional Level:
This activity is designed for 4th grade children.
Duration time:
Approximately 30 minutes between reading and analysis.

Get students to learn to identify places, characters, times and understand the message of the story.
Instructional Level:
This activity is designed for 4th grade children.
Duration time:
Approximately 30 minutes between reading and analysis.

This activity is designed for 4th grade children.
Duration time:
Approximately 30 minutes between reading and analysis.