Summer Learning To Catch Up In Math

in Education3 years ago

Hi there. In this short education post, I cover the topic of summer learning for catching up in mathematics. The inspiration behind this post is based from my Mathnasium online work. We have an influx of new customers who would like additional math instruction and practice for the summer. Instead of enrollments for after school programs in the school year, there are some customers who would like educational services just for the summer only.


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Learning Instead of Doing Nothing

Summer is a time where students (in the Toronto area) at least gain a massive jump in free time as they are not in school. Going from having school from a time period from 8:30 AM to 3PM to no school is big. Sometimes when there is a bit too much free time, you don't know what to do with that time. Instead of doing nothing, some of this free time can be used for educational services for the summer.

As many students and families use the summer vacation months for family trips and family bonding time, educational services providers provide additional incentives to attract customers for the summer months. Incentives can include lower pricing, more learning hours and more 1 on 1 instruction.

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Using The Summer Time To Fix Gaps In Mathematics Skills

Those interested in educational services in the summer vacation months for their students can greatly benefit. No school for the students allows for more free time and the students can learn with less pressure. The learning experience for students can be more relaxed compare to the school year when there are regular tests and assignments. Some parents and students use the summer vacation time in efforts to bounce back from poor math grades in the previous school year. Summer is used as preparation time for the upcoming school year to help build student confidence.

In my view getting good at mathematics involves a lot of practice and focus. Regular and focused practice helps build algebra skills, problem solving skills, thinking and memory. Practice does take a bit of time in which there is a lot in the summer. Summer math practice is key for retaining memory as indicated from the forgetting curve. The more time that a skill is not used, the more information is forgotten. Using the summer to keep the math skills sharp is helpful.

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Thank you for reading.


When I used to go to school in Taiwan, there was always some sort of homework for summer vacaction. And those tried to reinforce some things over the 8-9 weeks. Granted, it was grade school, but it was still helpful nonetheless.

Not sure if they still do those now.

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