Hi there. In this education post I talk about how sometimes young students don't take education seriously. Many of us in the education community here on Hive understand the importance of education. With the young learners they may not see the value of education nor the importance of education. These type of students may take education for granted and not try. By the time they get older there may be some regret as opportunities are limited because they did not try hard enough at school.
Looking back at my younger days, I took those Saturday language lessons for granted. I do regret it a little bit. I also regret not continuing past grade nine French as I was quite good at it along with mathematics.
The motivation behind this post is from my online Mathnasium work. There are a few students online who are either distracted, come in late or are not trying. Mathansium ain't cheap. It is about a couple of hundred dollars a month and operates on after school hours as a supplementary resource.
School May Not Be Fun For Some
There are students who stop trying or even quit once the school work is no longer fun or when the work gets difficult. Yes there are teachers that try to make learning fun, exciting and enjoyable. However there are times when students have to learn the boring but important topics.
I will use multiplication from mathematics as an example. Multiplication is very useful when it comes to calculate the number of items in groups. Being able to know how many eggs are in 3 dozens or how many granola bars you get from 10 packs of five comes in handy. Multiplication can be difficult as there are so many numbers but if it is not mastered then division and the later topics get tough. If you fall behind, you stay behind unfortunately.
Even though it is not done on purpose a big test for students in school and in life is whether or not students can push through the boring and hard stuff. It is a test of character in the young student.
Video Games, TikTok Is More Appealing Than School & Homework
I believe that more than ever there are so many technology options for young students to play with and be distracted by. (This is also a future topic.) For some young students the need to be entertained is more important than doing work. These types would prefer video games over homework and learning. In an online class/session they may be watching Youtube videos, watching TikTok videos, chat messaging or even play computer video games (extreme case). Some of them might be sneaky online with not putting the webcam on while being distracted with no parental supervision.
Some Don't See The Benefits Of School
Many parents enroll their kids in after school programs such as Kumon, Sylvan Learning Center and Mathnasium to help their children do better in school. The parents spend a couple of hundred dollars a month as an investment towards their kids future. Some kids don't share the parent's vision. Students who oppose these after school programs view them as more work, not as fun video games or seeing friends or just rebel against the parents.
Neither some adults unfortunately.
Yes. That too.
Learn a lot from this post, my fellow Mathematician
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