Hello dear friends receive greetings and many blessings to all of you, this time I want to share with you this post about the importance of the use of technological devices to prevent cognitive diseases that can cause death. that can cause death.

Every day that passes technology is taking over the world due to technological changes in industrial processes and also in telephony.
That is why we must be extremely cautious and be meticulous in monitoring our children, youth and older adults, in relation to the time they use technological devices such as cell phones, because if they use them inappropriately, i.e. they spend many hours playing games, talking in groups and viewing information without interest, they can cause them to become ill.
Consequently, there are studies that show that using the phone for continuous hours can cause digital dementia, that is, the deterioration of some cognitive functions in humans and therefore the same becomes dependent to survive and be at ease with himself, this can happen to children, youth and adults.
Some factors that contribute to suffer from digital dementia is when we concentrate on searching everything on the internet without being able to analyze our mind, even more if we have the answer from previous situations learned.
The use of time watching images and videos just to let the hours pass, certainly does not contribute to the development of neurons to improve our metal health.

In the same way, the abuse of indiscriminate use of technology could damage long-term cognitive functions such as memory, the capacity of the teaching-learning process, concentration, and the ability to share in family groups.
Therefore, to counteract this situation, both parents and representatives should set an example with the use of technological devices and look for alternatives to modify the routines of use and stimulate the brain to its maximum expression in order to avoid future illnesses.
Also to establish alternatives where the reading and analysis of what is read is present, it will serve for the comprehension and at the same time to stimulate exercises of reading memory, important for the metal development of the human being and its cognitive process.
Well I say goodbye, I want to thank you for your support. And for visiting my blog, wishing you many blessings and success in your life.
On the other side, smartphone can be a wonderful tool to learn anything, thanks to AI.
I particularly agree with artificial intelligence for the goodness and benefits for life, but in the right way.greetings @chrisaiki you are absolutely right, but we must also make clear to our children the proper use of artificial intelligence so that they do not use it for negative purposes.
thank you very much for your comments