Teacher motivation to impart education today.

in Education3 years ago

Greetings to all readers of this great platform, in this opportunity I want to impart with you information regarding the motivation of teachers, taking into consideration the current global situation in front of the pandemic, in addition to the salary situation we are going through in Venezuela, where the education sector has been greatly affected by low wages compared to the responsibility that we must fulfill with the future professionals of the country.

The image used is from Public Domain, Author: PixaBay

At present the whole world is still fighting against COVID-19, a disease that continues to stalk the whole world, despite the effort to get a vaccine, they still do not get the indicated one that can end this pandemic that affects us so much, being this the world situation, most countries have returned to a relative normality, where all activities have been resumed, but with new conditions of Bio-security.

On the other hand, in the case of Venezuela, classroom education was resumed a short time ago, at all levels of education, being an extremely risky situation for the teaching staff of the educational institutions, taking into consideration the exposure to a possible contagion for a work that is currently performed with love for education and not for a form of economic support.

The image used is from Public Domain, Author: PixaBay

I make reference to the fact that most of the teachers who continue to teach the teaching-learning process in the current times of the country, is for the love of what we do to train future professionals, since the salaries of teachers at the present time are not even enough to pay for the food at home, being a really complex situation, and even more so with the risk of contagion that this represents.

Why continue teaching despite the adversities? Although the salaries are not enough to support the family, or to pay for medical treatment in case of being infected, being a teacher at any level represents a privilege and a real pride, because we are the people who form the future professionals of tomorrow, with this vocation we fight to move forward despite all the circumstances.

For these reasons that have been expressed, many teachers have resigned their positions in search of another source of employment that can generate greater economic stability, but there are always those of us who have this job as a vocation, willing to overcome the adversities that are arising, and generating secondary sources of income that can solve the economic need to support ourselves and our family, thank you for reading my article.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image used in the banner at the bottom is by the author @chucho27, made using the Canva application.


EN: You mentioned a big problem that has affected the way of life of individuals, families and so on, the whole social thing is turned upside down and it is spreading globally. This problem caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is pushing the whole towards the search for temporary solutions to fight against this economic dysfunction. Among the solutions implemented is distance training using ICT tools, but this requires training teachers and setting up a whole network: this is the current challenge to overcome the obstacles threatening human life. Thank you for your presentation. Welcome.

FR: Vous avez évoqué un gros problème qui a affecté le mode de vie des individus, des familles et ainsi de suite, toute la chose sociale est bouleversée et elle se propage à l'échelle mondiale. Ce problème causé par la pandémie de Covid-19 pousse l'ensemble vers la recherche de solutions temporaires pour lutter contre ce dysfonctionnement économique. Parmi les solutions mises en œuvre figure la formation à distance utilisant les outils TIC, mais cela nécessite de former des enseignants et de mettre en place tout un réseau : c'est le défi actuel pour surmonter les obstacles qui menacent la vie humaine. Merci pour votre présentation. Bienvenue.