Self-esteem is something that makes us feel good and also makes us feel bad. But these indescribable emotions of the moment are part of what is built within ourselves and what the environment with its good and bad actions make us feel.
Having negative feelings go hand in hand with:
Toxic people: those people who are not well and do not want others to be.
Psychological harm: People use negative psychology, with other people to keep them on the sidelines and therefore can never excel, due to the thought that makes them conceive of themselves as null and void.

Self-esteem grows or fades little by little, this is generated by:
► By comments.
► Reciprocal attention.
► Mutual support.
► The way you have been educated since childhood.
It is then, in childhood and in the adolescence process, where complexes are also generated, but it is necessary to educate in:
► Autonomy.
►Positive image of themselves.
►To gain confidence in themselves despite the mistakes they are found.
Educating in positive discipline is giving children an example in their training, who they must become if they manage to gain confidence and keep their self-esteem high to be able to cope with day to day.
Where does the problem of self-esteem come from?
Plain and simple the problem of self-esteem comes from its origin, that is:
► Emotional blackmail.
► Correction in a negative and non-positive way.

When true positive reinforcement is not provided to the child, this lowers self-esteem and is therefore insecure.
How can we enhance the increase in self-esteem?
The person as such is his own self-esteem, where within us we have the potential to beautify our being, character, formation among all the existing qualities that many times people do not emerge because their "inner self" is not motivated. and he limits himself for fear of achieving and doing what he wants, what he really needs to be happy.

You must help children think:
► I am brilliant.
► I am a treasure for life and I deserve it and I can achieve my goals.
► Always say to yourself: "I can".
How can we build good self-esteem?
► Teach children not to see themselves for who they are, but for how they want to see themselves in the future.
► Empower them and encourage them to see themselves in the new image in the future, since the image they currently have will improve with the increase in their self-esteem.
► Teach the meaning of self-acceptance, keeping in mind that the vision is directed towards the future in which it becomes your projected image.
► Teach that we cannot rely on flaws but on improvement.
► Value the great things we offer and who we are.

What is necessary for the increase of self-esteem is to change the focus of attention where it always was, to vary it, that is, you cannot continuously see only the defects you have, we must shine with our positive aspects and determine who you will become by choosing be better.
People's behavior will be seen from their growth process; People behave according to what they see in themselves, not what they really have to offer and are, it is to value themselves and not so that the rest of society believes that they can train us in their likeness in negative criticism.