Teacher's Guide on Use of Abbreviations

in Education4 years ago

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Subject:- English Language
Class:- Primary 4
Topic:- Abbreviations and Uses
Duration:- 35 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:-
At the end of the lesson the lesson the students should be able to:-

  1. Define the term "Abbreviations" ;
  2. List out some examples of Abbreviations and the full meaning.

Previous knowledge:-
The learners have been making use of this Abbreviations at home or school without their full knowledge. E.g CPU

Step 1

Meaning of Abbreviation

Abbreviation can be defined as the short form of a word. It is the shortening of a word to few letters.

Step 2

Examples of Abbreviations and Meaning

Dr. Doctor
Rev. Reverend
Prof. Professor
Engr. Engineer
Fr. Father
Cm. Centimetre
Dept. Department
DVD. Digital Video Disc
GH. General Hospital
ICT Information and Communication Technology
Kg. Kilogram
Km Kilometre
Mr. Mister
Maths. Mathematics
Mrs. Mistress

To ascertain the level of understanding of the lesson content, the Teacher will ask the following questions.

  1. What is an Abbreviation?
  2. Write the full meaning of these abbreviated words.
    a. TV
    b. U.S.A
    c. V.I.P
    d. T.T.C