The Management Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh through the Investment Gallery implementation unit conducts an expert lecture at the end of the semester for students concentrating on Finance as well as a National Capital Market Seminar and in collaboration with the Indonesian Stock Exchange Research Division and Phintraco Sekuritas, Thursday (28/01 / 2021).
This activity carries the theme "Financial Services Industry Readiness in Supporting the Stimulus of Indonesia's Economic Recovery during the Covid-19 Pandemic". This expert lecture was opened by Dr. H Mohd Heikal as Chair of the Management Study Program of FEB, Malikussaleh University. Heikal hopes that expert lecture activities can continue, especially in the Management Study Program environment.
If possible, Heikal continued, the Management Study Program could sign an MoU with the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Phintraco Sekuritas in terms of student apprenticeships in order to improve the Main Performance Indicators of the Universitas Malikussaleh Management Study Program which had obtained A (superior) accreditation.
"This is to improve the quality of student output and at the same time implement the Free Curriculum as mandated by the Ministry of Education and Culture," Heikal said in an activity guided by Dr Rico Nur Ilham who is also the Head of the Universitas Malikussaleh Investment Gallery.
The event which was designed by the Malikussaleh University Investment Gallery unit by carrying out the panel discussion model was very attractive to students and lecturers as well as external parties who participated as participants.
The enthusiasm of the participants was evident from the increasing number of participants in this seminar, which reached 185 people, which was beyond the committee's expectations. The participants questioned many of their investment strategies in the stock market amid the pandemic.
Head of the Research and Analysis Unit of the Indonesian Stock Exchange Research Division, Heidy Ruswita Sari M SE, as the first speaker, explained the readiness of the IDX in facing a new era of normality. According to him, the IDX has improved in the process of dealing with several service adaptations, including adjusting the trading hours of the stock market.
Then launching the latest trading services for financial instrument products such as Exchange Trade Found (ETF), preparing the latest sharia securities trading services and the latest is to simplify the administrative process of going public for companies wishing to join listing on the IDX by opening E-IPO (Electronic-Initial Public) Offering), which is a virtual IPO process.
Representing members of the stock exchange, also joined Phintraco Sekuritas as a securities brokerage company that is quite active in providing education on stock exchanges in various universities. Febryan Kennedy as Equity Research Phintraco Sekuritas conveyed investment tips and strategies for the public in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
“There are many things that need to be considered in adjusting the current situation, especially when investing in stocks. "It’s better for us to further analyze which sectors can withstand the pandemic situation and not to rush into buying shares of companies that have experienced unreasonable price increases or overvalue," said Kennedy.
Fauzaturrahman as the host representing Phintraco Sekuritas Aceh Branch as well as a partner of the Universitas Malikussaleh Investment Gallery, also encouraged the seminar participants, especially students who wanted to apply for investor account registration. Fauza, among others, explained that the process of becoming a stock investor is very easy and can be done by anyone, including students. [ayi]
bagaimana kalau magang mahasiswa difokuskan kepada bagaimana mereka memaksimalkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui kripto.
penugasan bisa dibebaskan dengan berbagai aplikasi ya bang. kemudian nilai diberikan kepada mereka yang mampu berkembang dan menghasilkan beberapa kripto hehehehehe
Kami sudah beberapa kali menggelar seminar nasional dan seminar internasional tentang kripto. Beberapa mahasiswa yang sekarang sudah menjadi alumni, kini eksis di Steemit dan Hive, seperti @hattaarshavin dan masih banyak lagi.
Kereen bang, aku sempat dengar, kata kawan, kenapa kuliah di luar negeri lebih cepat dalam praktek ekonomi? Katanya, saat kuliah mereka ditugasi untuk memulai usaha dari nol, nanti hasil semester baru presentasi usaha yang dilakukan