Dolphins - Information for learners

in Education2 years ago

We find many different animals in the ocean. We call them 'marine animals'. Lets have a look at one of them, the Dolphin.

If we think about dolphins we think there are only 1 or 2 types, but have a look at the following picture.

image source

Choose any 5 and do extra research on them.

The most common and well known type is the bottle nose dolphin. We tend to think of the Orca/killer whale as a type of whale, but they are actually part of the dolphin family.

Dolphins are very intelligent and are also known for saving people from danger and are also very playful and entertaining. Even out in the wild, they will entertain themselves through play.

Dolphins are carnivores, which mean they eat meat. They hunt in groups (which is called a 'pod') and can eat large schools of fish at one time.

They are social animals and the move together in their pods. Some pods are smaller than others, but it is very seldom that dolphin prefer being by themselves.

Dolphins can stay under water for a period of time, but they need to come to the surface to breathe in oxygen. They use a blowhole for this. They also have excellent sight and smell and they locate fish and objects under water through something called 'echolocation'. They send out sound waves that bumps against the object and is send back to the dolphin. That way the dolphin can find an object.