⚠️Atencion, posible SPOILER⚠️
⚠️Attention, possible SPOILER⚠️
Bienvenidos a un nuevo post para la comunidad de CineTV, hoy con la pelicula "American Psycho" filmada en el año 2000 y con una trama que me atrapo por sus conceptos psicologicos, ademas del humor negro, clasismo, y demonizando la salud mental frente al status social.
Welcome to a new post for the CineTV community, today with the movie "American Psycho" filmed in 2000 and with a plot that captivated me for its psychological concepts, in addition to black humor, classism, and demonizing mental health in the face of social status.
Me eh perdido por mucho tiempo peliculas grandiosas que nos traen historias maravillosas, una de ellas es la que les traigo hoy para dejar mi punto de vista frente a lo que pude analisar, ya que el final les sorprendera mucho. Ya que no se permite sacar captura en las plataformas de streming, como es el caso de "Prime Video" donde vi la pelicula, me eh tomado el tiempo para buscar las imágenes en la web que mas para mi destacan, claro, algunas partes de la película, empezemos:
For a long time I have missed great movies that bring us wonderful stories, one of them is the one I bring you today to leave my point of view regarding what I was able to analyze, since the ending will surprise you a lot. Since it is not allowed to take screenshots on streaming platforms, as is the case with "Prime Video" where I saw the movie, I have taken the time to search for the images on the web that stand out the most to me, of course, some parts of the movie, let's start:

Vemos en otros personajes, como en el del protagonista "Patrick Bateman" el titulo de "Vice Presidente", pero eso no es lo que le inquieta al protagonista, sino el afan de demostrar, buscar, o que admiren su tarjeta de presentación, dando asi una batalla al demostrar una clara "superioridad" frente a sus semejantes. Eso lo inquieta muchisimo, tanto asi que termina asesinando tambien a quien pudo reservar una mesa en un restaurante de lujo.
We see in other characters, such as the protagonist "Patrick Bateman" the title of "Vice President", but that is not what worries the protagonist, but rather the desire to demonstrate, seek, or have his business card admired, giving thus a battle by demonstrating a clear "superiority" over his peers. This worries him greatly, so much so that he also ends up murdering someone who was able to reserve a table at a luxury restaurant.
Podriamos decir que el protagonista sufre narcisismo, junto a posible psicosis, como indica el nombre de la película, relacionado más bien al concepto yoico, ya que puede involucrarse al ámbito social sin mucho problema, siempre y cuando se respete su espacio personal, verán en la película como se enfurece cuando lo tocan o invaden su espacio, a su vez esto lo podemos enlazar con la clase social a la cual pertenece, puesto que ese manejo pertenecería al "poder absoluto" que tiene.
We could say that the protagonist suffers from narcissism, along with possible psychosis, as the name of the film indicates, related rather to the ego concept, since he can get involved in the social sphere without much problem, as long as his personal space is respected, you will see in the film shows how he gets angry when they touch him or invade his space, in turn we can link this with the social class to which he belongs, since this handling would belong to the "absolute power" that he has.

Frente al narcisismo que sufre (aunque podamos determinar que no es el quien lo sufre sino los de su entorno) vemos estas escenas, por ejemplo, mientras esta teniendo relaciones, en casi todo momento se ve a si mismo en el espejo, ya que su goze es determinante absolutamente sobre el y no sobre el otro, el otro no le importa ya que solo determina un medio para su fin.
Faced with the narcissism that he suffers (although we can determine that it is not him who suffers but those around him) we see these scenes, for example, while he is having relationships, at almost all times he sees himself in the mirror, since his enjoyment is absolutely decisive about him and not about the other, the other does not matter to him since he only determines a means to his end.
Luego de algunas escenas interesantes, como en la cual asesina un vagabundo, creo no determinar el azar en el que el vagabundo (mal llamado vagabundo), sea su color de piel negra, algo determinante tambien en el cual su ambiente de status no haya gente de color negro, sino unicamente blancos, pero si, es una pelicula del 2000, pero muestra tambien un poco la historia misma de la clase social en la lucha constante de poder.
After some interesting scenes, such as the one in which he murders a homeless man, I don't think I can determine the chance in which the homeless man (misnamed homeless man) is his black skin color, something also determining in which his status environment there are no people. black, but only white, but yes, it is a film from 2000, but it also shows a little of the history of social class in the constant struggle for power.

Si bien luego de toda la pelicula ocurre una escena que me quedo impactante frente a lo que estaba sucediendo, en la foto vemos al protagonista "Patrick Bateman" conversando con su abogado, dia anterior le habia enviado un mensaje de voz donde describía sus asesinados, como tambien dando detalles de los mismos y al mismo tiempo pidiendo ayuda, haciendo asi que es conciente de su padecimiento psicológico, pero no acaba aqui, puesto que en la imagen lo vemos conversar, el abogado casi bromeando niega lo que dice, y que uno de sus primeros asesinados (en la pelicula) dice haber almorzado (con el abogado) dias atras en Inglaterra si mal no recuerdo, lo que me deja pensando si lo que sucedio pudo haber sido causado simplemente (sin minimizar) por su sintoma de psicosis, y no en el plano de lo real, dejandome pensando en la posibilidad de que simplemente lo que sucedio fue en su mente.
Although after the entire movie a scene occurs that shocked me with what was happening, in the photo we see the protagonist "Patrick Bateman" talking with his lawyer, the day before he had sent him a voice message where he described his murders, as well as giving details of them and at the same time asking for help, thus making him aware of his psychological suffering, but it does not end here, since in the image we see him talking, the lawyer almost jokingly denies what he says, and that one of his first murders (in the movie) he says he had lunch (with the lawyer) days ago in England if I remember correctly, which leaves me wondering if what happened could have been caused simply (without minimizing) by his symptoms of psychosis, and not on the level of reality, leaving me thinking about the possibility that what happened was simply in his mind.
Me quedo corto con todo lo posible por escribir esta gran pelicula, simplificando que me encanto y la volveria a ver luego de un tiempo de haber estudiado mas a fondo el yo de freud, como tambien el redescubrir la mirada de su creador, sin mas espero que disfruten mi "review" y como tal pueden encontrar la pelicula en la siguiente plataforma con el propio link:
I fall short of everything possible to write this great movie, simplifying that I loved it and I would watch it again after a time of having studied Freud's self in more depth, as well as rediscovering the gaze of its creator, without further ado I hope Enjoy my "review" and as such you can find the movie on the following platform with the link itself:

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Seem a truthly good film too watch especially seeing how much the homophobic teen on tiktokt didn't understand it was a caricature of "alpha"
I'm sorry but I didn't understand the "alpha" homophobic teenager either :( if you can tell me!!
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
What beautiful words, thank you very much for the support, I always like to go beyond the superficial, and this film invites moviegoers to delve into more real problems than we can imagine, thank you again for your words❤️💫