CineTV Contest: The Best Of Horror. | CHALLENGE #03.

in CineTV3 years ago (edited)

This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.



In this second week, the competition is getting fiercer. Competitors are struggling to write even better and 11 PARTICIPATIONS were duly accepted.


I'm the only judge of the contest and I make a point of reading review by review (carefully) and being totally impartial in my choices. I base myself on some criteria such as structuring ideas, textual cohesion, grammatical understanding, use of images or videos + originality (in the general context) and my personal taste.

The Devil's Advocate (1997)
60 Points
Misery (1990)
60 Points
Braindead (1992)
150 Points
The Sixth Sense (1999)
60 Points
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
60 Points
The First Power (1990)
60 Points
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
90 Points
Hocus Pocus (1993)
60 Points
The Sixth Sense (1999)
60 Points
The Craft (1996)
60 Points
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
120 Points

#01 - @nameless16 (100 points + 120 points)220 points.
#02 - @nbarrios67 (25 points + 150 points)175 points.
#03 - @greengalletti (75 points + 90 points)165 points.
#04 - @universoperdido (50 points + 60 points)110 points.
#05 - @tajimkhan (25 points + 60 points)85 points.
#06 - @buffalobison (25 points + 60 points)85 points.
#07 - @kemmyb (25 points + 60 points)85 points.
#08 - @melyrigo (25 points + 60 points)85 points.
#09 - @gabyofficial (60 points)60 points.
#10 - @deborah.rubi (60 points)60 points.
#11 - @ramsesuchiha (60 points)60 points.
#12 - @badnewsbeards (25 points)25 points.
#13 - @esther-emmanuel (25 points)25 points.


Horror Psycho

CHALLENGE #03 - Horror movies from the 80s.

Write a review of some Horror movie released in the 80's.


  • Minimum word limit: 250.
  • Supported languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Create an original title for your post (do not use the word CONTEST).
  • Mention this contest (by posting the link) in some part of your text.
  • Add the #thebestofhorror and #contest tags among your first three choices.
  • Tag at least two friends (this is optional) to try to give more visibility to the contest.

Upvotes + Shares (from this post) are also optional, but they are more than welcome.

The contest was created, organized and sponsored by myself.

That's all, folks! If you have any questions, you can write right here in this post - in the comments section - and I'm gonna asnwer as soon as possible.

Concurso CineTV: Lo Mejor Del Terror. | DESAFÍO #03.

En esta segunda semana, el concurso se vuelve más feroz. Los competidores luchan por escribir aún mejor y se aceptaron debidamente 11 PARTICIPACIONES.

Por favor, consulte la clasificación anterior.

Soy el único juez del concurso y me aseguro de leer reseña por reseña (cuidadosamente) y ser totalmente imparcial en mis elecciones. Me baso en algunos criterios como estructuración de ideas, cohesión textual, comprensión gramatical, uso de imágenes o videos + originalidad (en el contexto general) y mi gusto personal.

DESAFÍO # 03 - Películas de Terror de la década de 80.

Escribe una reseña de una película de Terror estrenada en la década de 80.


  • Límite mínimo de palabras: 250.
  • Idiomas admitidos: Inglés, Español y Portugués.
  • Crea un título original para tu publicación (no uses la palabra CONCURSO).
  • Mencione este concurso (publicando el enlace) en alguna parte de su texto.
  • Agregue las etiquetas #thebestofhorror y #contest entre sus tres primeras opciones.
  • Etiquetar al menos dos amigos (esto es opcional) para intentar darle más visibilidad al concurso.

Upvotes + Shares (de esta publicación) son opcionales también, pero son más que bienvenidos.

El concurso fue creado, organizado y patrocinado por mí.

¡Eso es todo amigos! Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede escribir aquí mismo en esta publicación - en la sección de comentarios - y le responderé lo antes posible.

Concurso CineTV: O Melhor Do Horror. | DESAFÍO #03.

Nesta segunda semana, a competição está ficando mais acirrada. Os competidores estão se esforçando para escrever ainda melhor e foram devidamente aceitas 11 PARTICIPAÇÕES.

Favor, conferir o ranking acima.

Eu sou o único juiz do concurso e faço questão de ler review por review (cuidadosamente) e ser totalmente imparcial nas minhas escolhas. Eu me baseio em alguns critérios como estruturação de ideias, coesão textual, compreensão gramatical, uso de imagens ou vídeos + originalidade (no contexto geral) e meu gosto pessoal.

DESAFIO #03 - Filmes de Horror da década de 80.

Escrever um review de um filme de Horror lançado na década de 80.


  • Limite mínimo de palavras: 250.
  • Idiomas aceitos: Inglês, Espanhol e Português.
  • Crie um título original para o seu post (não use a palavra CONCURSO).
  • Mencione este concurso (publicando o link) em alguma parte do seu texto.
  • Adicione as tags #thebestofhorror e #contest entre as suas três primeiras escolhas.
  • Marque pelo menos dois amigos (isso é opcional) para tentar dar mais visibilidade ao concurso.

Upvotes + Compartilhamentos (deste post) também são opcionais, mas são mais do que bem-vindos.

O concurso foi criado, organizado e patrocinado por mim mesmo.

Isso é tudo, pessoal! Caso tenham alguma dúvida, podem escrever aqui mesmo neste post - na seção de comentários - e eu responderei assim que possível.


So dissapointed! No matter how hard I try can't do any good! :( Really put lot of effort on the last review!

btw @nbarrios67 good to see you up on the ladder! Good luck!

You don't have any reason to be dissapointed, @tajimkhan. Just keep writing your good posts.

Thank you very much for your appreciation. Good luck in this round. I found your publication excellent. Cheer up!!!. We still have a lot to share.

Veo que ya va un pelo avanzado y quisiera participar, ¿Quizás en la siguiente ronda?

Si aún quieres participar en este desafío, tienes casi dos días para hacerlo.

No tiene sentido, voy demasiado tarde y van demasiados puntos en contra, para ganar tendria que haber iniciado al mismo tiempo, asi que es preferible esperar a ver si llega a haber otro concurso o otra ronda...

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Well done on this compilation, @wiseagent. So, the challenge goes on to 80s! I'll start working on my entry.

Quick question - I see that some participants who did not put in their entries for the challenge #02 still got points. Is it okay to skip a challenge and get some points?

I see that some participants who did not put in their entries for the challenge #02

Really? :o

I was wondering whats the point of a ranking if the number 4 and number 10 get the same point. Later thought it might help if the points are tied it might be a tiebreaking way. But if it is true what @kemmyb said, then I think you should really reconsider.

I was wondering whats the point of a ranking if the number 4 and number 10 get the same point.

When the contest ends, you - and all participants - will understand why, @tajimkhan.

I think I understand already...

I think I understand already! Ain't complaining btw

Such a silly mistake of mine. I guess organizing this entire contest all by myself is being more difficult than I thought first, haha!

Thanks a lot for the heads up, @kemmyb. It's already fixed.

See you soon in this next round.

You are welcome. It's a lot of work, so kudos and well done! 🙂

Great! I'm just finding out about this contest, but I think I'll be writing my post as soon as possible (taking advantage of the fact that a lot of 80's horror movies that I liked a lot have come to my mind).

What is the deadline to participate?

You still have 7 days to write, @maryed and the competition is not over yet. Everyone can still be in the TOP 03.

Thanks for the mention received @wiseagent, best regards.

Excellent work in this second installment dedicated to the horror films of the 90s.

See you in the next review.

You're welcome, @greengalletti.

Bring it on in this next round!

Thanks for the mention received @wiseagent, best regards.

Excellent work in this second installment dedicated to the horror films of the 90s.

See you in the next review.

I am very grateful to have won first place in this round of the contest. It is a pleasure to read all the reviews of my colleagues and see that we are lovers of the seventh art, it shows in the words that we capture in our publications, and as the creator of the initiative @wiseagent says, we notice an improvement in our work. Besides, it's a lot of fun to do it. These initiatives encourage us to develop all these skills that we have and that many times we don't show in the community for various reasons. I am from Venezuela, and I tell you that the power cuts are terrible and the Internet deficiency is worse. Let's keep on going and let's go to the third round!!!!.

The posts are getting better and harder to be judged, @nbarrios67.