So glad you liked it, @killerwot and hope it was worth the wait! 😂
I'm still up for voice chatting with you and @thedeltron at some point on Discord if you'd like some more specific, spoilery notes. Once I translate the chicken scratches in my notebook, that
Ages ago I had an idea for a writing community on Hive that did something like my first group did, with the prompts & critiques, but only so many hours in the day. If I ever do attempt it, I'll be sure to shout out. And yes, script and novel writing are like night and day in so many ways - it's almost like speaking the same language but in two different dialects. 😜
Sooo.... when do you think we'll get the next set of pages? 😁
It's hard to say really, I don't think it'l be too long to be honest, maybe a month and I'l have something substancial to show you. I'll be pushing it forward and then once we have the completed first draft I'll take everyones ideas into account for the second draft revision, including changes and suggestions for scenes to cut.
Yeah that's a really good way of putting it, originally I was going to go to college for English litrature but, the fee's were crazy and I wasn't sure if they would teach writing. Then by accident I came across the film course and sure enough one of the modules was script writing and I figured it would be just as good, since we'd be learning character development and structure. I really fell in love with it as soon as I started learning it.
That would be a really cool idea, a community solely based around that would be great. On a small scale you could start up a discord to build a bit of a community around it before making a fully fledged one on Hive. It's a cool idea though, keep me posted!
Yeah, totally, me and him are going to wait until we get back a few more of the reviews and we're going to organise a session for us all to chat as a group. But, we'd also like to have some, one on one chats before that I think, I'm really looking forward to it though.