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RE: CineTV Community Newspaper #32

in CineTV2 years ago

Keanu Reeves? I think we all know he has made some darn good pictures, and he plays a wanna be rock and roller really well, with the Bill and Ted movies. In fact, we all know what number he is thinking!

That being said, I have to say that one of the few articles I have seen about the man in the news shows that he is one heck of a nice guy as he spent a lot of time chatting at the baggage claim with a young fan. How many celebs do this? Not enough! This says a lot about what kind of a man he is, and that he cares to take time to talk with his fans, not just about himself, answering their questions, but asking about them, engaging them in conversation.

Here's a link to an article on the encounter for those who missed it -