in CineTV3 months ago



This movie, 'Lonely Planet,' follows the story of Katherine Moewe (Laura Dern) and Owen (Liam Hemsworth).

While Katherine is an older woman who is a renowned writer with her marriage going through a rough patch (divorce imminent), Owen, on the other hand, is a young guy who’s into finance. His girlfriend, Lilly, is also a writer. However, their relationship is already on rocky road!

An International Writers’ Retreat at Morocco would bring all three together in one place alongside other popular writers from all over with Madame Fatama Benzakour as host.
All writers are at the retreat for varied reasons, Katherine’s being to find quiet or tranquility enough to finish off her book, which has taken her two years.

Will she finish the book? Will Owen and Lilly manage to work out their differences? Will the retreat be worthwhile for all involved?



You will find this movie to be quite entertaining and informative, especially if you’re a book lover. It highlights the fact that two persons with two different career paths can actually make their relationship work. If there’s love, commitment follows, and with commitment comes interest in the next person’s career.

Lilly appeared to be a narcissistic, self-centred lady who was so overwhelmed by her success as a writer that she couldn’t care less how Owen felt and the struggles he faced at his own job. Not much was shown about Lily, but from the little we saw, Owen seems to also have some personal insecurity issues going on with him.

The writing style here is one of convenience where one thing just had to happen for another to make sense. But the lack of depth was evident. A precise example is when Lily and Owen had the most argument. It just had to be next to Katherine’s secret writing room enough for her to overhear things.

One can easily argue that this is predictable, but we won’t deny the fact that it is romantic. So that ticked the box! Quite erotic with some sex scenes, this film is not suitable for younger audiences.

A strong message I deduced from this movie is that if left untamed, a writer can easily become a slave to their pen and busy brains. I say this from a writer’s point of view. And if you do not have a supportive, understanding, and patient partner, you’d find yourself living in a “Lonely Planet!”

Loved the travel appeal this movie gives. It’s a refresher, and I find it relaxing as it sets one fantasising.

This was slow-paced, but the duration of 1hour 36minutes saved the day to make the movie narrowly escaping, being tagged as boring.

There’s a spark between Katherine and Owen, but their age difference puts a wedge on this. Katherine herself mentioned “I could fall for a kid like you!” And then boom! Owen gets offended!

Overall, this is an easy watch! Wanted to see more of Lily, but I guess the writer, producer, and director had other plans.

You should see the film. You'll like it.
I'll rate this a 6.5.


Thanks for stopping by.


I like the premise on which this movie is based. The guy being in the midst of both writers. I'm a book lover so i guess that's more reason I love it. This seems like the perfect movie to watch after a stressful day. Thanks for recommending