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RE: Cast Away (2000) :Tom Hanks Awesome Movie Of Inspiration.

in CineTV4 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions. But, with due respect, I would like to say that,only I would decide what tag to use, and what not, its my choice and none of yours.
The reason why I used this tag because I love sports talk social community and it goes with my likings.

Thanks very much.


You are welcome.
If the blog is not having sports content and if you use that tag, you will also stand with a chance to get downvotes from people within the community and as a curator of this community, I may have to report it to HiveWatchers for tags abuse.

There are some rules and as Hive Bloggers, we need to abide by those, hope that makes it more clear to you.
Please revert if you need further info.

Ok, got your point. I will not use sports talk tag anymore. But, here is the thing, I saw people posting in cine tv & other community, using hash neoxian, hash creativecoin hash proof of brain, at the same time. So what happened, nobody talked and remarked for using multiple community tags in a single blog. Hope, you also saw that.Its pretty natural to use community tags as other users also use these tags most often. I just followed them. But, if this still bothers you, I wont use the tag anymore, problem solved.
But, why did you said about tag abuse, If I dont use the tag, nothing will come and go, but saying strictly that I used the tag abusively spoils the respect of my blogging.

Sorry to say,that this tag bothered you but its ok, my request to you to see other posts using multiple community tags.

Thanks well.

ProofofBrain is a generic tag and can be used with any blogs and even they don't have an issue with that, I mean the people from POB community.
Even the Neoxian is a General purpose forum as per the description in their community.

Having said that, Creative coin is something which is not a general purpose one and I myself got couple of downvotes when I started my journey back in 2017, but I don't see there is a dedicated moderation being done now on that community, I think, as I am not using that tag anymore and not in a position to comment much on that.

So, no issues with those and even we all use the same as those are general communities without restricting blogs from any tribe.

Sports Talk Social is intended for Sports related blogs only and CINE community is for Cinema and TV Shows related blogging as for as I know.

Yes, we have been seeing others also using the tags related to Sports when there is no Sports content and we have been discussing on this and a cleanup activity will be taken up.

We want this community be more rewarding to the bloggers who are posting Sports related blogs and there are communities now for almost all the different categories like CINE, Photography, Skating, Food stuffs posting.. Don't you thing you will feel annoyed to see a Sports related blog on food related community if you are a mod for that community and doing curation, buddy?

When we create a community, the purpose is to let that community members share the blogs related to that particular community and enjoy themselves instead of seeing blogs related to other community, which we can call SPAM as that community is not for the SPAM from other communities.

No hard feelings my friend, we want everyone to enjoy here by posting blogs related to Sports only and get rewarded.

Have a good day and enjoy your Sunday.


What the sportstalk guys are talking about isn't without merit.
I don't know whether "tag abuse" is a real thing or hivewatchers take actions against such tag use, since it's a tribe thing and tribe moderators have far more control over who can post to their tribe.
At any rate, I don't think Hivewatchers should involve themselves in such a case.

However, using a tag where it's not warranted is a bad practice. It is seen as reward maximizing. Some posts do go with multiple communities, for example, a film-related post is alright in cinetv and proofofbrain, but certainly not in leofinance.
On the other hand, creativecoin, neoxian these are general tribes, and not specific. Everyone uses them.

As for cinetv, people who consistently write posts unrelated to film and tv shows and use cine tags, gets muted. Permanently.