CineTV Contest: Was he actually a Doctor?

in CineTV3 years ago (edited)
Seeing this contest on CineTv really opened my eyes. As soon as I saw a medical movie, I thought of one, that is the best comedy medical movie I have seen, the name of the movie is Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. The theme of the movie is comedy, but still I think it gives us a lesson.


Photo used from Thenewsfetcher

Sanjay Dutt playing the role of Munna bhai is the leader of his gang, he has no education and threatens people to do stuff for him and later on blames them to not get arrested. Arshad Warsi, Munna bhai's assistant and childhood friend, helps him with all the stuff. The story goes on like this, Sanjay Dutt (Munna bhai) has his hutt in a village where as i said he works with his goons. Once a year his parents come to visit him, who thinks that Munna bhai is a doctor, and because of that he has to convert the place to a hospital where his goons are patients. This time he gets caught because of Dr.Asthana who knows both Munna bhai and his parents, Dr.Asthana opens up the story. Munna bhai’s parents get angry and leave and after that he decides to get a degree. He joins a hospital to study and learn, where the head is Dr.Asthana, which is a problem. Munna bhai starts to talk during classes, gets punished and does everything a student should not do. He gets in love with a doctor there who is Dr.Asthana daughter, even though he misbehaves in classes deep inside he respects everyone. Helping the workers, cheering them up, respecting them and also being friend with a patient who has cancer. The story ends with him failing the end of year test and not becoming a doctor, but when he gets insulted by Dr.Asthana the patient starts to move and talk. The patient could now talk and move just because of his personal attachment with Munna bhai, and because of the love Munna bhai gave to him. Later on everyone forgives him and he gets married with Dr.Asthana daughter and opens a Hospital in the Village.

Sorry for explaining the whole story but it was important for you all to know what really goes on in the movie because I have some things to talk about regarding this story. First let’s talk about my favorite scene, and of course my favorite scene is when his parents come in. The goons that aren't even injured are acting like they are. In that scene one “patient” says he has broken his right arm, and later on forgets where he had pain and accidentally says, “when will i be able to move my left arm. That's the first indication and his parents react and say, he said it was his right arm first. Munna bhai has to recover and says, this patient is stupid, he just have communication problems. For 15 minutes his patients (goons) make so many mistakes and whenever his parents ask anything difficult he tries to say difficult words to sound like a real doctor.


Screenshot by my Samsung Galaxy A71 while watching the movie

The movie is very emotional as well at times. Munna bhai was not educated but still had love for everyone, at one point the doctors told everyone that the patient in coma won't survive for long, Munna bhai gets emotional and starts to sing and entertain his friend. One thing this movie teaches us is to live life as you want without thinking of what others will say. Munna bhai wasn't educated but still decided to join the hospital, even though he cheated but he wasn't ashamed of his little knowledge. That’s the same with us, why do we think about society and people so much, we should instead live life like it is the last day.


Screenshot by my Samsung Galaxy A71 while watching the movie

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Screenshot by my Samsung Galaxy A71 while watching the movie

Another thing I liked was that, Munna bhai who cant speak formal Hindi or English, is a full time gang leader without any jobs, it doesn't mean he doesnt have a heart. In this movie they show us that whoever you are, everyone has a heart and everyone gets attached to something emotionally. In a scene, a cleaner accidentally crashes into a student, and the student reacts disrespectfully by saying, “stupid cleaner, cant you see.” Munna bhai feels for the cleaner and gives him a hug, because of that when Dr.Asthana is insulting him, the cleaner is one of the people that stands for Munna bhai.

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Screenshot by my Samsung Galaxy A71 while watching the movie

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Screenshot by my Samsung Galaxy A71 while watching the movie

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Screenshot by my Samsung Galaxy A71 while watching the movie

Since I was a kid my parents have told me, you get what you deserve. If you respect someone first they will surely respect you back. That can be seen in this movie as well. Another thing I would like to share is that, there is a quote everyone says when going to an first meeting or a job interview. That first impression is always the last impression, this quote is right but sometimes it can be different. I think that if your first impression has been bad or not as expected you can change it with our actions. It doesn't destroy your image, you just have to get better and learn from your mistakes and then show people, that wasn't my last impression. Reason why I am saying that is because in this movie, I feel that it can be proven. Everyone hated Munna bhai at first and then his action and emotion was totally different then before, so later on everyone changed their perception about him.

Last thing I would like to share is that the whole movie was amazing. By writing down all this I now understand that this movie wasn't just not comedy but did also give us some life lessons. A lot of the credit goes to the actors that made the comedy scenes funny and at the same time made us cry in the emotional scenes.

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