Transformers One(2024)-Way beyond my expectations

in CineTV2 months ago

I can't believe I delayed this. I remember putting it on for my sister to watch and then, going to sleep cause I wasn't really feeling it,only to wake up to their screams and hype about the movie.
But he wasn't named Bumblebee here. The yellow bot that's funny and stupid some times. I didn't hear a bumblebee and some other characters or I'm just mixing them up?

Fast forward to today, and I'm searching for something to distract me from the noise in this classroom and I stumble on this movie in my phone, Transformers One. I didn't want to watch it at first cause I wasn't with my airpods and I knew it would be noisy because... they're transformers, this is transformer. Transformers One is about the backstory between Optimus Prime and Megatron.

I think it was about two years ago,2023 the Transformers with humans came out and I was pumped as usual to see it. But there is just something about the cartoon/animated version of it. Alright, let's move straight on to the plot.
Transformers one revolve around Orion Pax and his best friend D-12. They were part of the lowest of the lowest transformers,having been deceived by their leader, Sentinel that they were made to mine energon and were born without bots.
Sentinel was a false leader of the Autobots,having betraying the now dead Primes and making a deal with bad guys who ruled over Cybertron. Orion Pax was stubborn in a way and always up to adventure,hoping he was something more than just a miner. And of course,dragging D-12 into whatever adventure he was off to face. Long time ago, Cybertron was a planet with energon flowing everywhere,they didn't have to mine it until the prime was betrayed and the matrix of leadership dissapeared. Orion Pax was always discovering, always snooping. Discovering where the supposed matrix of leadership was,he seeked to get Sentinel's approval,unaware of the fact that he was a traitor to the entire Cybertron.

Honestly,this movie was worth it. Finally,a transformers movie without humans in it. It was amazing! My biggest laugh was when Orion faked his transformation and turned back running. It was hilarious! I had to stop the movie and wait till I reached my hostel so I could continue cause I was laughing too much and drawing some attention to myself.

I'd rate it a 7.5/10. The animation was beautiful,amazing storyline, wonderful character development. I mean G-12 which is now known as Megatron was blinded by revenge and rage, honestly it was too much. And then we have Orion who is now known as Optimus Prime being entirely stupid in most cases, a push over sometimes and entirely optimistic that he doesn't stop to think for a second before following what ever his instinct tells him to do. I mean it made the whole story make so much sense,so much more. We get why they don't like each other so much and why Optimus is always being the softie low-key towards Megatron. I just thought he was an extremely good guy. Everything checks out, literally.

By the way,are you on reddit?

And Thanks for reading.

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How didn't I know about this before?


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