This is definitely one of my favorite movies of all times. I still watch it from time to time, and Brad's acting is amazing here. Every time I see it I am amazed by his talent, the part when he is given the news of his cousin's death gets me crying every time. He is an amazing actor and is perfect in this role. I loved your selection.
I was thinking of choosing this movie too, but I think I'm gonna go with my other option.
I loved your point of views 👌
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This was a great movie that I enjoyed watching. Ever since IPTV came out I haven't been to a movie theatre to watch a movie since then. I prefer them to be free. Well, not free but I pay $110 a year for TV.
Troy is a very good movie, But my favourite movie Brad Pitt made was Inglorious Bastards. I think the reason why I enjoyed it so much was how ruthless that group of vigilanties looking for german nazi to send them to hell. But mym fav part was when Brad took out his knife and carved the nazi symbol on the guy forehead so he never forgets and ppl around him know who he is. That was great.
But today, I am not so much a fan of Brad Pitt. My views and his views are way different. But that another topic and we talking movies here.
SO you know, I do not support any movie of today. I will stream it at the comfort of my home. These clebs are too rich and think they too powerful for us peasants.
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Just three days before I watched troy
This is definitely one of my favorite movies of all times. I still watch it from time to time, and Brad's acting is amazing here. Every time I see it I am amazed by his talent, the part when he is given the news of his cousin's death gets me crying every time. He is an amazing actor and is perfect in this role. I loved your selection.
I was thinking of choosing this movie too, but I think I'm gonna go with my other option.
I loved your point of views 👌
I agree,there's a lot from where to choose. I think you might have mentioned the one I had in mind 😅 in this comment 👀.
There is reasonable evidence that this article is machine-generated. Posting such content is considered fraud. Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.
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This was a great movie that I enjoyed watching. Ever since IPTV came out I haven't been to a movie theatre to watch a movie since then. I prefer them to be free. Well, not free but I pay $110 a year for TV.
Troy is a very good movie, But my favourite movie Brad Pitt made was Inglorious Bastards. I think the reason why I enjoyed it so much was how ruthless that group of vigilanties looking for german nazi to send them to hell. But mym fav part was when Brad took out his knife and carved the nazi symbol on the guy forehead so he never forgets and ppl around him know who he is. That was great.
But today, I am not so much a fan of Brad Pitt. My views and his views are way different. But that another topic and we talking movies here.
SO you know, I do not support any movie of today. I will stream it at the comfort of my home. These clebs are too rich and think they too powerful for us peasants.
Enjoy the popcorn my friend.