Bloodhounds, the fight is not in the rings.

in CineTV2 months ago (edited)

Bloodhounds is a South Korean drama that involves high-octane action, friendship, and loyalty.
It features Woo Do-hwan as Kim Geon-woo and Lee Sang-yi as Hong Woo-jin.

This movie revolves around Kim Geon-woo—a promising boxer who got entangled with loan sharks alongside his friend, Hong Woo-jin.


It was the period of COVID-19 in South Korea which caused financial struggle for many persons. Geon-woo—a former marine, was an upcoming boxer who managed to make ends meet for himself and his mother—a caféowner.

Things became ugly when Geon-woo's mother took a loan from a man named Kim Myeong-gil (Park Sung-Woong)to keep her café business afloat. Unbeknownst to her, Myeong-gil(the antagonist) was a loan shark who targeted those who were financially desperate, his predacious actions involved cornering his victims in huge unpayable debt and following up with constant harassment.

Geun-woo's mom, as expected, couldn’t meet up with payment of the loan due to the incredibly high interest rates and faced threats and harassment from Myeong-gil and his thugs. Geon-woo then intervened for his mother which caused a central conflict in the plot .

Geon-woo met Hong Woo-jin after defeating him in a boxing match, they later became close friends and teamed up. Woo-jin was the chatty, loyal and cheerful friend which complemented Geun-woo's reserved nature.
The two friends then crossed paths with President Choi (Heo joon-ho)—a retired and generous moneylender who used to run a fair loan business.

President Choi worked underground to undo the harm caused by loan predators like Myeong-gil. Captivated by the duo’s(Geon-woo and Woo-jin) fighting skills, he recruited them to help in his goal to bring down Myeong-gil.

In time past, Myeong-gil worked under President Choi in the loan shark business but because of greed, he betrayed Mr. Choi.
But as the story progressed, Myeong-gil discovered Mr. Choi was the person backing up the duos(Geon-woo and Woo-jin).
Myeong-gil wasn't an easy rival, his network of underlings put Mr. Choi and his team in constant danger. Myeong-gil not only targeted Geon-woo and Woo-jin but their loved ones also, he also targeted to kill Mr. Choi as his plans to kill him in time past didn't work.

After a series of life-threatening battles, Mr. Choi died but Woo-jin and Geon-woo continued the battle despite the physical and emotional toll and eventually brought down Myeong-gil.

Bloodhounds is definitely a compelling action movie about justice, loyalty, perseverance, with Woo Do-hwan as the lead—it makes the series the best out there in the world of Korean dramas.

I highly recommend, it’s available on Netflix.
I rate it 8.7/10.

Thank you for reading.