Review of a Sci-Fi Movie- "ANNIHILATION -2018"

in CineTV2 years ago

Hay, this is @im-groot, how are you all? I'm well now. It's been a long time, good reviews are not written because of time. So I sat down to write a review after watching a movie today. The movie is one the best sifi movie i ever watched....don't miss it.

Sci-Fi :... Been looking for a good sci-fi movie for quite some time. I find the movie "Annihilation" released in 2018 to watch. This type of movie watcher is hard to find these days..! But this movie is also for those who want to avoid the extra hassle of watching a sci-fi movie. Because this sci-fi movie is different from the traditional sci-fi movie! Why is the movie different from other sci-fi movies? If you want to know that...... (must read the review!)

Annihilation (2018) [1754x2841].jpg

Annihilation [2018]

Cast: Natalie Portman,Tessa Thompson,Michael Jason Leigh,Oscar Issac.
Personal Rating: 7/10
IMdB Rating: 7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 87%
Metacritic: 79%

Movie Plot: This sci-fi,drama,thriller movie is based on the novel "Annihilition" of the novel-series "Southern Reach Trilogy" written by Jeff VenderMeer. The story of the movie revolves around the main character Leena.
:... Cain, who has been missing for a long year, suddenly returns to Lina! Lina is shocked to see Cain in his 'new' form. He then became anxious to know the reason for Cain's sudden return and change. He then hears that Cain has returned alive from a secret mission that ended in death. And from here the story turns towards the main mysterious part of the story, the heart of the mystery is this secret campaign of Cain..!!

Annihilation (2018) Ending Alien Scene Part 1  _  HD.jpg

The main objective of the expedition was to uncover the secrets of the crater created by a meteorite fall. But once you enter this world, you die! Research was going on about this mysterious entity that consumed everything around it with the passage of time. And for the purpose of research, the US military sent several military teams there, but none of them returned. But they don't stop there. Formed another team of four women. After hearing this news, the biologist Lina became eager to join the expedition. His purpose in joining this death-flight was one--"why his husband Cain has changed so much and how he can get back the old Cain."
Finally they started the journey towards the death trap..... What was the secret of the mystery? Why couldn't its explorers come back?? What happened to Cain that changed him forever??? And will this five women's expedition team be able to return alive???? Or will they also accept the fate of the pre-explorers?????
To know the answers to these questions, you have to watch this 115 minutes long movie.

If You Loved _Black Mirror,_ Here Are 17 Other Things To Watch On Netflix That Are Equally Freaky.jpg

Movie-Discussion: The movie has several notable aspects. One of them is the "screenplay" of the movie. The way director Alex Garland arranges the scenes like broken thread one after the other, connecting those broken threads in the ending of the movie is enough to give enough thrill to the audience. Besides the sci-fi story, it was also unique in showing a story full of personal life of 'Lina and Kane' in a dramatic tone. Because here you will get the taste of two different types of thrillers. "Dramatic Thriller" and "Sci-Fi Thriller". Now whatever the viewer prefers, his eyes will be glued to the screen till the very end of the movie!

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Background Music: Now let's come to the background music. The concept of background music in movies is totally different to me. The use of drama genre music in sci-fi genre movies will give the audience newness and tranquility. Such use of music is truly commendable. It is not easy to achieve something new by going on such a different road. Personally I like the music as well as it has been appreciated by the renowned critics..!!


Visualization: Eye-catching effects, light manipulation, insane quality VFX...what was missing?? The way the light reflection of "Shimmerer Buhya" was shown throughout the campaign was creative and amazingly beautiful.

Area X, Jeff VanderMeers ‘Annihilation’ 2018.png

Acting: To talk about acting, the name of Natalie Portman must be taken first. He has proved his acting skills long ago. We don't know him anymore. As usual he was awesome in this movie too. In a heroine-oriented movie, she has done it very well to maintain the seriousness of the female character by aceing the hero of the movie. As the duration of the movie progressed, when the character of 'Leena' was demanding to become more mature, she also went full-on 'Parinat Leena'. Perfect, wonderful, perfect..!!

Natalie Portman’s latest film is now on Netflix.jpg

Negatives of the movie: Just as I only bashed Natalie in the "Acting" column, Lina's character was all over the story. Although the other characters in the story and the actresses playing the characters had a lot of potential, they were lifeless throughout the movie. It was as if their characters were captured just for the sake of moving the movie forward. They had no purpose. I am very disappointed with the misuse of actresses like Tessa Thompson, Leigh.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Those who have seen this movie can share their feelings with me. It will be a little chat. Get to know you.

Happy watching❤


As far as I remember, I liked the movie but I don't remember the whole plot.
Nice review.
@tipu curate 3

thank you sir....😍

I am trying to remember about the movie, I am quite sure that I watched...Good points that you raised


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I agree, the visuals for this movie were great. Sometimes mesmerizing. I had issues with the characters and the villain though. Non-human villains can be interesting but their motives too obscure because they're not personal or cannot be personal due to their source. I've never read the books but I am curious about that series. While the actresses weren't horrible, none of them had any stand-out performances. I think we're at a time in movies where the cultural sphere is so used to seeing the same faces and acting styles, that most viewers are tired and in dire need of new face and experimental methods experience.