Movie That Made Me Fall Asleep - CineTv Contest

in CineTV3 years ago

Hello, everyone. This is a very special post because it's about movie that I fell asleep watching and that is not easy to do, if you ask me. When I watch a movie, the most important thing is that I have fun, so when I'm tired or sleepy, it is almost impossible for me to stay awake. Well, this time there was one exception though; I got really interested in the story of the movie and I didn't want to fall asleep even though I was exhausted after studying all day. So, let me tell you my story.

The movie I am talking about is called "Criminal" (2016).

The story takes place in modern Russia where the protagonist lives with his mother who works at a bank. He likes to collect old coins and he goes through his days being bullied by other kids. One day, he starts dating a young girl but she has problems with her family which leads to him having trouble with them too. Then he meets another girl and they end up together but the situation turns out very bad. The movie is about how two young people try to make their way in life without falling into crime and how they manage to survive despite all the difficulties they face. It's an interesting story and while many scenes were dull and boring at times, others were really exciting and you could feel the tension building up as more and more things started going wrong for the main characters. The acting was really good and the director did a great job creating the atmosphere of the movie. Also, I liked the soundtrack that was used in some scenes. Overall, this movie is worth watching at least once.

Now, let's talk about why I fell asleep during it. The reason is simple: I had been studying all day long and my mind was tired. In addition to that, I don't like action movies so much, especially those where there is a lot of violence and fighting involved. And since this one was full of violence, I guess I wasn't able to concentrate on what was happening. However, if you are like me and you don't like action movies, don't worry. There is no blood in this movie nor any excessive violence. If you are okay with that, then you will enjoy it. But please keep in mind that if you go see this movie, you might be sitting next to somebody who falls asleep. Don't be mad at them, just wait till they get up and move somewhere else.

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