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RE: Saint Maud (2019): Where are these modern horrors coming from?!

in CineTV3 years ago

Pretty much any of the old horror moview (and current B horror movies) The older (are I say it, traditional)horror moeie acting tends to be over exaggerated and very easy to mock.

Comedy-horror is actually becoing a somewhat commmon crossover because of it.

I tend to prefer the creature features. :) Didn't see that coming, right? Sorry, I tend to pick based on the cover image, rather than the title, or I watch whatever is live.

Not an old one, but one of my favorites is Cabin in the Woods, thaough that one kind of feels like an updated Scream, which make fun of other horror movies.

It is kind of like two different movies. Horror movie for the young folks and a black comedy for the adults.


Look at you. I didn't expect this one.

This was a fun one especially with the control room people taking bets on the outcomes and such.

I always loved The Burbs 1989 with Tom Hanks and directed by Joe Dante. This is a dark comedy about a family that moves into the suburbs and everybody thinks they're murderers. A great commentary on the suburbs or the burbs as they say.