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RE: The Original Star Trek Trilogy

in CineTV2 months ago

Yeah I wasn't a huge fan of Generations. I didn't mind the death of Kirk (as unnecessary and badly done as it was), but the rest of the story was just kind of meh. Altho, honestly, the thing that upset me the most was at the end when Picard is looking through the wreckage, he isn't looking for the flute from The Inner Light. I know the movie was pushing the family angle and wanted to focus on that, but I thought it was a complete misunderstanding of Picard's character for that flute to not be the single most important object for him.

I can agree with you about Insurrection. The character moments were nice on that one, absolutely.


I like Malcom McDowell, so he made it watchable for me even though he was the "bad guy".