The second installment of the films that brings together Marvel Studios superheroes takes up the narrative structure of its predecessor, although it uses some additions that distinguish it, it is a notch below the first installment. .
The action does not wait, Joss Whedon begins the Age of Ultron fully an action-packed sequence as a preamble to the presentation of the conflict and the new characters that are added to the en is also used to provide a little more to Black Widow and Hawkeye , the characters without their movie played by Johansson and Renner.
In the midst of some very funny dialogue and references, Age of Ultron reaches its best moments in the scenes where the heroes are shown as they are, this intimate celebration where everyone tries to take the sequence of Thor or forced coexistence. Essential in Hawkeye's house, where we have the family of the fuzzy character, in addition to the increasingly intense flirtations between Bruce Banner and the Widow and of course, the inevitable and very funny Stan Lee's.
But it is in the great sequences, full of effects, of and fights where this second part loses the same, not the expected fight between Hulk and Stark manages to be too captivating that he promised it, that and very powerful villain at the same time, expressed James Spader, Ultron, a being with artificial intelligence escapes from the laboratories where Stark and Banner have created the intention of taking over the world and end of the Avengers.
Unlike the first installment, where the villain Loki has all the scenes in which he appears thanks to the charisma and great performance of Tom Hiddleston, whom superheroes do not have to face. he can't catch up despite the power he possesses and he doesn't even do it. Manage to disturb in the way.
Even with these details, 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' hardly makes it its fans, since it works as entertainment and also introduces a new generation of Avengers in the universe leaving everything ready for them.

Still wondering did Vision kill Ultron
There's no question that Vision defeated Ultron's last robot, but did he completely kill Ultron? the answer is no. After Vision was born in the movie, he and the Avengers debated whether he was trustworthy and how to deal with Ultron.