
You know that movie that you can't stop laughing until it's over, and you end up crying in several scenes, not because of sadness but because of the laughter it gives you?
Well, that's exactly what it is. The perfect comedy. I enjoyed it so much that I want to see it again and as many times as I can.
And it's in black and white and silent. Two things that already pull me back, I honestly don't usually see things like this, but this is a work of art in capital letters.

The humor is reminiscent of Looney Tunes and has its little things reminiscent of video games. And it immerses you in an absurd world with its absurd rules, but it follows them perfectly until the end. Nothing is normal, but everything is fun.
If you search a little you can see images that the animals in this film are people disguised as mascots of American soccer clubs. But that's not all, many things like bushes are hand drawings or fish are puppets. Everything gives that homemade effect that looks great.
The music is also great and here it's important because there's no dialogue and it's all about the music. And when I went back to the apartment I rented I was mentally whistling some song or other.
But something that stands out more than the music is the acting of the main character, because his gestures and the way he moves perfectly complement the humor he offers.
In fact I'm surprised that the actor of Vincent Must Die won in Sitges and not this one (who also does great the other one, but this is another level).
It may be a little long towards the end, as it is almost two hours of pure and hard hooliganism, but as I flip out, for me it would have lasted 3 hours.
I've never heard of this before. It's a first honestly. I was blown away by it being silent and in black and white but then you said it's worth so I'll be adding it to my overflowing watchlist;)