Nicht nur in Berlin wurde am Wochenende demonstriert. Zwischen Bautzen und Zittau stehen seit Wochen hunderte Bürger an der Bundesstraße 96 und protestieren still für eine Stunde gegen Merkel- und Coronapolitik. Ich war vor Ort und habe mir ein Bild gemacht.
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Vielen dank für die Informationen!
In der heutigen Zeit hat man das Gefühl, dass niemand mehr ehrlich ist. Deshalb sind neutrale Einschätzungen besonders wertvoll!
The MSM is falsely smearing anti-corona tyranny protests as "Far Right" and "Neo-Nazi".
Keep up the good work of reporting the truth - ordinary people fighting for freedom against tyranny.
Thank you.
escpecially today it was tough, because normal people actually dont want to talk with Media AT ALL. Many fear to get slandered right away. I think will cover the situation in Germany in an English video the upcoming week.
That would be good. I didn't understand a word of the German but I could see what was going on and had seen your other posts.
Keep up the protests.
Here in Israel the protests and resistance (passive and active) to ridiculous restrictions seem to have worked and forced the government to back away from more restrictions. A new Corona Czar has been appointed who has said there will be no more lockdowns and that the socio-economic issue is more important and urgent than the health one.
This is promising, although there is still a long way to go.
There was resistance at all levels, including government MKs that blocked new restrictions in committee (and later lost their post) and the majority of police (from what I've personally witnessed) who passively resist enforcing mask requirements by hanging out in the least trafficked location in an area and stare resolutely at their phones to avoid seeing any non-compliance.
Bibi is under huge pressure to resign with a large chunk of his prior supporters (including me an my friends) shifting support to an alternative right wing but Corona-sane leader currently in opposition - Naftali Bennett.
Indeed the new Czar has adopted Bennett's cornona plan from 4 months ago almost in its entirety.